The story behind it all pt.1

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Monday came and it was Luna's first day at the university. She woke up really early and went up to Suga and kissed him gently on the forhead before leaving. She prepared herself some breakfast and left some ready for when the guys woke up.

It was the beginning of a new step in her life. Having a boyfriend and beginning her studies was a lot but she knew she could handle it.
She entered her first class; Math. At this point she was already tired buy she knew it would all be worth it in the end. Later on she took chemistry, international kitchen and national kitchen. She learned many things about what she dreamed of. Then came lunch she went to the cafeteria and sat down on a table alone when suddenly a girl came to the table and sat down in front of her.

Luna didn't know who she was but she sensed a weird vibe coming from the stranger.

Her: I know who you are and you should be careful. That's my man who your dealing with.

L: Excuse me? Do I know you?

Her: No but you should. You're messing with my man. You better stay away from him or else.

L: Or else what?!...Who are you anyway to say something like that?

Her: I'm Yoongi's ex and he's mine you have no right to take him away from me.

L: Woah wait a second there, he never told me anything about any ex.

Her: What's that necklace you got there? Did he give you that? He also gave me something.

L: What?! A ring? I don't care he's not yours anymore he chose me so deal with it and leave me alone!

She got mad and left the scene and left Luna wondering what was that all about. Luna was lost, Suga never mentioned anything like that before.

Should she trust him even though he didn't tell her his whole truth?

She was mad, sad, in fact she was just confused with a whole lot of emotions attacking her at the same time. So she decided to stay calm and continue with her day and talk to Yoongi when she got back. The rest of the day went by with her being a bit spaced out. But luckily she was smart and didn't let her feelings get in the way of paying attention to class.

Later in the afternoon she went back to their apartment feeling lonely for no reason. When she got there no one was home so she decided to do some research in Suga's room.

She looked everywhere until she finally found a broken photo of them; Suga and the girl. Next to a broken frame in a hidden drawer.

Luna analyzed the image well. She then concluded that they where never happy together by the way their eyes looked in the photo. Red and soggy it seemed like they were accustomed to sob all the time. Maybe that explains the fake smile in the image and how Suga sometimes sits there looking down and sad somehow.

Now many pieces fit together in the whole big picture. She kept thinking of what she should do about the whole situation.

Should she ask him about his ex? Should she not say anything? Should she confront the girl?

She had lots and lots of questions wondering inside her head. She was so lost and confused she needed something to calm down.

She went to the kitchen and she decided to cook something that she learned today before everything happened. So she could distract herself from the whole thing by doing something she loved.

The guys arrived after a very busy day. Since today they began recording the song. They were starving so she told them about her day while they sat down on the table while she served the food. She explained that she learned to make this new dish today and that she was really proud of it and hoped they would like it too.

They began eating and Luna smiled at them with a fake smile waiting for an answer.

They all responded with a "mmmmmm" and kept eating quietly. She sat with them and ate as well.

After eating the guys went to do other things. But two stayed; Taehyung and Jin. Suga went to take a shower he apparently wasn't feeling well after lunch Taehyung and Jin told Luna.

L: I think I know why.

T: What really?

L: Yes. Are we alone? Can we talk? The three of us?

J&T: Ok

L: Ok look today was a really weird day. For starters when I was eating lunch a girl sat next to me and told me to stay away from her man. I was so confused until then she said she was Yoongi's ex. I was so pissed and then she started saying things and then she left. I was left so confused. Do you guys know anything about this?

She told the story up until this point not mentioning her analysis nor the photo she found.


They looked at each other like "what should we do?" But decided to say everything.

J: We need to tell you a story sit down.
The rest will be in part two of this chapter.

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