Chapter 31

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As I got ready for my date, I thought about backing out. I couldn't though, my family was so happy when they found out I had a date. I hear the doorbell rings and thirty seconds later May burst into my room.
"He's here," she says.
I had to laugh, this was so like her. "Thanks May."
After a small conversation with my family, Tyler and I leave.
"Did I mention you look beautiful tonight?" He asked which made me giggle.
"No you didn't, and I wouldn't mind you saying it one or two or a thousand more times." I say and he grabs my hand, I wait for the electrical feeling, but it's not there. "So where are we going?" I say, even though I wanted to pretend like I was confident with how I looked, I could only do it for so long.
"My favorite restaurant my dear," he says and I stop in my tracks, my dear.
"Something wrong?" He asks.
"No sorry," I say and keep walking. Suddenly so much made since to me, I liked him so much because he acted so much like Maxon. I guess if I can't have Maxon this is the next best thing. "So what do you do for a living?" I ask.
"Business nothing to exciting, but enough about me I want to know about you."
"Well what do you want to know?" I ask him as we approach the restaurant. He opens the door for me, of course he has to be a gentlemen.
"Everything, What makes you, you." He asks as the waiter shows us to our table.
He pulls out my chair for me as I think about his question. Once I'm all settled he sits down himself.
"I'm one of five kids, and I'm the middle."
"That's a big family," he says. "I've always wanted a big family, I grew up an only child." He says, it was so weird to me how alike him and Maxon were.
"I love music," I say trying to get off that train of thought.
"What do you play?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested.
"Violin and piano," I say.
"That's so cool, I've always loved listening to music, but my side hobby is photography." Now that's just weird, why were they so much alike? I later learned that Tyler and searched everywhere and gathered all the information about Maxon that he could in order to make me fall in love with him.
The waiter came and we ordered our food,  I was so hungry and ready to eat.
"What kind of pictures do you take?" I asked, I wanted to dig deeper and find major differences between him and Maxon.
"This and that, but it's hard to do sometimes because my job keeps me so busy."
"So I know you do business, but what kind of business?"
"Business regarding the government, but I won't go into that it's dreadfully boring."
"So you don't like your job?" I asked as the waiter put the food in front of us and we both thank him.
"It's tiring, but I love all the good I can do." Just like Maxon, this is to good to be true.
"What about your family?" I ask.
He raises an eyebrow at me which makes me giggle. "You are awfully curious aren't you?"
"Well you seem to good to be true," I say and blushed a deep red.
"I seem to good to be true? You are basically perfect." He says, and memories flash back in my head of what Maxon said to be the night of the Halloween dance, 'darling your perfect.'
"Trust me, I am far from perfect." I say as I wipe my mouth with the napkin before putting it back on my lap.
"No, Ms.Singer I believe you are perfect; perfect smile, laugh, eyes, personality, perfect everything."
"Thank you," I say and I look down at my lap to try and hide my blush. Once we have finished eating we start to walk back to my house. On the way there we found a little bench and sat down to talk.
"May I ask you something?" He says and turns to face me.
"Yeah," I say, so hopeful for what he is going to say.
"Would you like to do this again?"
"Go on a date you mean?" I asked.
"Yeah, I have had an amazing time with you tonight, you are truly astonishing."
"Sure, I would like that," I say, all of this seemed so fast, but he was so familiar to me. Suddenly we heard a distant sound of thunder and I became giddy.
"Looks like it's going to rain," he says as he looks up at the sky.
"I love the rain," I say.
"You do?" He asks and I nod. "I love the rain too." I started to feel a few warm droplets on my skin and I smiled so grateful for something so simple.
"If you don't mind going home wet, I would love to stay out here with you."
"I would love that," I say and suddenly it's pouring and I quickly stand up and grab his hand. I slip off my shoes and see a light pole in the distance across a field of grass.
"Race you to the pole," I say.
"Your on," he says. "Ready set go," He yells and takes off, as I follow him laughing. The rain covers me as I run, but he's to fast. He beats me to the pole and I give him a small pout.
"I want a rematch," I say.
"You do?" He ask a mysterious glow in his eyes.
"Yep," I say.
"Can I give you something else instead?"
"Like," I ask, incredibly curious about this little deal he was trying to strike.
"This," He said and puts a hand on my cheek and putting his lips on mine. I wasn't expecting it, but it felt so good to feel something again. He pulls away, but I bring him in again and I know, I've gotten myself into some trouble.

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