Chapter 51

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I hurry down the hall to my meeting and I arrive a few minutes before it starts. Maxon isn't here yet, but I look through my papers trying to appear busy.
Maxon comes in and everyone stands, "please sit," he says.
"Today we need to talk about the school systems," Maxon says.
"The lower class school needs less budget, the majority of the lower cast parents home school their kids," an advisor yells out.
"I don't agree with that, and if that needed to be changed it would be discussed in the budget meeting. Now the real matter at hand it providing the lower caste children with a better education."
"Why can't they go to the same school as the upper caste children?" I asked.
"So many legal reasons, Miss.Singer." Stravos  says to me.
"Isn't that we are here to change laws?" I quickly countered.
"Yes, but that is not something that can be simply decided it takes work." He says.
"Well of course action would need to be taken," I say.
Before he can say anything else Maxon cuts in, "I don't see a problem with implementing that."
"There will be increased bullying and iosolation in schools." Stravos says.
"Maybe, but we can put officers within the schools to prevent that," Maxon says.
"It won't completely prevent it," Stravos argues.
"It would help though," I add.
"It's settled, I will announce it on the report and we will have another meeting soon to discuss the details," Maxon says. "Now our next order of business is extra curricular activities in schools."
"Don't you think that's enough changes to the schools for one day?" Stravos says.
"Any changes we make to extra curricular will be put in place after we put all the schools together." Maxon explains.
"That will take months," Stravos says.
I could tell by Maxon's facial expressions that he was getting frustrated.
"It's never bad to plan in advance," Lady Brice offers.
"Exactly," Maxon says and I can tell he is happy someone agrees with him. I don't know why, but Lady Brice and Maxon seemed to have some sort of connection. I don't feel like it's romantic, especially considering she is way to young for him. I brush off the fact and move along.
"Now there are two ways we could go about this," Maxon starts. "We can give schools more money and we would discuss more on that in our next budget meeting or we can implement programs within the schools. Shall we take a vote?"
"For the schools to implement the programs?" Maxon asks.
I raise my hand as to over half of the advisors, I believe that is their own responsibility. "While that settles it."
The meeting goes on and on and we discuss several different possibilities for schools and how to help them. Eventually it ends and Maxon catches me as I try to leave the room.
"Hey that was a really great idea with the combining the upper and lower class in schools," he says.
"Well they all deserve an equal chance at education," I say.
"You are absolutely right," he says.
"I'm glad your going to try this because I really think it could help," I say.
"As do I, look I've got a few video call meetings with other rulers from around the world, but I want to do something tonight."
"What were you thinking?" I asked already excited for whatever activity we would be doing.
"It's a surprise," he says and he lightly pecks my lips.
"I hate surprises," I complain.
"You'll like this one trust me," he says smiling.
"Fine, maybe just this once." I say and peck his lips one more time.
"I've got to go," he says.
"Bye," I say as he hurries down the hall.
I walk to my room very excited about what tonight may hold. When I get there Mary is already in there.
"I have the perfect outfit for you tonight," she says as soon as I walk in.
"How did you know?" I ask.
"Word travels fast around here," she says winking at me, which makes me smile.
"So where is it?"
"You don't get to see it yet, not until after you get ready," she says.
"I'm not getting ready yet I have hours," I say.
"Oh I'm going to make you look so good that it will take hours," she says pulling me over to the vanity. The next few hours are filled with; make up brushes, blush, mascara, curling irons, and everything else you could imagine.

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