"Mama Always Told Me" D. Winston

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"...Mama always told me, Papa always warned me, don't hang around with boys like you..."

[Mama Always Told Me by G-Eazy ft. Madison Love]

(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/BF/N) - Your Best Friend's Name

Friday night at the drive-in was almost a weekly ritual you and your best friend had. After class, you'd hang out for a few hours at one of your houses and maybe get some homework done. When the sun would begin to set, you'd both leave and head for the drive-in. Once there, the two of you would crawl under the fence and find some seats to relax in until whatever the movie was started. Today, they were playing some teen beach movie and while neither of you was excited to see it, you both liked your little tradition too much not to do it.

(Y/BF/N) looked over at you as you both sat down "hey, looks like you caught somebody's eye." You looked over to her she 'subtly' motioned to see Dallas Winston smirking at you, winking when your eyes met "good for him for gettin' out of the cooler early." She scoffed "good for him? Dallas Winston belongs in the cooler, he's nothing but another troublesome hood. Don't go near him, you'll just get hurt." You rolled your eyes "you're being overdramatic." (Y/BF/N) rolled her eyes slightly and sat back in her seat "if you say so (Y/N), but don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." You nodded and turned your attention to the screen; it was showing one of those coca-cola trivia questions.

Soon, the movie started and you both got comfortable, looking over at Dallas every so often and quickly looking away when your eyes met his. About halfway through you got up and made your way over to the concession stand to get a coke. After a couple minutes in line, you felt someone sling their arm around your shoulder. When you looked over at the person, you weren't the least bit surprised to see a cockily-grinning Dallas Winston "hey doll, are you a parkin' ticket because you've got fine written all over you." You mentally rolled your eyes and offered a sweet smile "very cute, are the rest of your pick up lines gonna be from the same book?" He chuckled "nah, just thought it might make you laugh." You smiled and ran your fingers through your hair "well then, I guess it worked."

Dallas lit a cigarette and grinned "so when can I take you out?" You laughed quietly and smiled "my mama always told me to stay away from guys like you." He just leaned against the wall beside you and blew a cloud of smoke out, smirking "and what kind of guys are those?" You smiled "guys who have a criminal record the length of a football field, guys that go to bed with different girls almost every other night, guys that get into fights and steal things for the hell of it." Dallas chuckled "c'mon doll, you make me sound like some kind of felon." You cocked your eyebrow at him and smiled "can you look me in the eyes and tell me, in all honesty, that you've never committed a felony?" He opened his mouth to try but quickly closed it and laughed softly "alright, you caught me, I can't do it."

You nodded knowingly, smiling as you stepped up to the register with your bottle of coke "thought so." You paid for the bottle and Dallas followed you outside, smirking "all I'm sayin' is give me a chance, what're you running from?" Against your better judgment, you looked up into his deep brown eyes and spoke: "I'm running from pain. I don't want to get my heart broken into a hundred pieces. I don't want to be happy and head-over-heels in love for a few weeks or months or however long and have it taken away."

You turned and started heading back to your seat but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you "hey, I get it. Love is painful and love is a risk, but at the same time when you're with the right person, love is bliss." You turned to look back at him; the big bad hood suddenly didn't look so big and bad. He looked like a guy who knew what it's like to be hurt by a loved one. Your entire stance relaxed and softened, so you nodded "you get one date Dallas Winston; after that whatever happens, happens." His cocky grin reappeared "The Dingo tomorrow afternoon at seven o'clock work for you?" You nodded, showing a small smile "sure Dallas, that sounds perfect."

Again, you turned and started walking back to your seat but he grabbed your wrist again "hey wait, I never got your name, doll." You turned to him and smiled "(Y/N)." He grinned cheekily "good lookin' name for a good lookin' girl." You rolled your eyes as you laughed quietly "wow you're cheesy." Before you turned away to go to your seat, Dallas pulled you close and quickly pecked your lips. He winked before turning to walk away, calling back "see ya tomorrow, doll." You nodded happily, even though you knew he couldn't see it,  and went back to your seat, ignoring the questioning look from your friend. As you sat and watched the rest of the movie, you found yourself excited about tomorrow night.

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