"Lights Down Low" S. Curtis

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"...So maybe we could make a we of me and you. Imma treat you right tonight, let's make it last forever..."

[Lights Down Low by MAX ft. Gnash]

(y/n) = your name

You and Sodapop walked back to your house after your eighth date. "Tonight was a lotta fun," he stated with a nervous tone in his voice. You nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "yeah, I'm really glad we got to go on another date." You did your best to hide the slight disappointment in your voice and succeeded well enough that he didn't notice. Sodapop looked down at you and smiled softly "wanna hang out at the lot for a bit before I take ya home?" You nodded and turned to walk towards the abandoned lot with him.

The walk there was silent, aside from the occasional owl's hoot or the distant police siren. Subconsciously, you ran your thumb across his knuckles, looking up at the night sky as you two walked. For as long as you'd known Sodapop, there was no such thing as an awkward silence. It didn't matter if you two were walking like you were now or if you were just sitting around at the lot or the DX, awkward silences didn't exist with you two. Although now, there was a slight awkward tension in the air. As much as you enjoyed being in his company and being his friend, you really hoped that he would've asked you to be his girlfriend by now. Sure, going on dates was fun, Sodapop was fun, but you had strong feelings for him and for while you thought he did too.

Once you two got to the lot, you both sat on the couch that had been there for ages. You laid your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around your shoulder "hey, uh, (y/n)?" You looked up at him, anxiety bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You'd started getting more and more nervous with each passing date. After all, he still hadn't asked you to be his girlfriend and this was your eighth date in almost three months and you were beginning to lose hope "yeah, Sodapop?" He looked down at your conjoined hands "I've been thinkin', maybe we should make a we out of me and you." You looked up at him, wide-eyed "what?" He bit his lip as he looked down at you "I know I can't give you everything like a soc, or even some other greasers, could but you make me happier than I've been in a while and I've never felt these feelings that I feel for you."

A wide, stupid grin crossed your face before you could stop it "I'd love to, Sodapop." He grinned just as wide before leaning over and pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss. He pulled away after a moment and smiled lovingly down at you "I promise, I'm gonna treat you right, tonight and forever." You couldn't even form the words to tell him how sweet he was being, so you just hugged him as tightly as you could and nuzzled your face into his chest.

Soon, his arms were around you in a loving embrace "I'll give you any and everything that I can." You kissed his jawline softly and emitted a soft, happy sigh. "I know right now we're just a couple of reckless kids, but I can't imagine being reckless with anyone else." You smiled up at the man and joked to hide your blushing "I've already said I'll be your girlfriend, you don't have to keep sweet talkin' me." Sodapop chuckled and smiled down at you "heaven only knows when you've been for so long, but I'm sure glad you're here now." "Soooddaaa," you playfully whined, blushing even more. He grinned cheekily at the way you blushed "I found me an angel. "

In order to get him to stop before you blushed as red as a tomato, you leaned up and kissed him softly, wrapping both arms around his neck. Sodapop laughed softly for a moment before he returned the kiss, resting his hands on your hips. This felt like one of those Hollywood movie moments you could say in for a while, and truth be told you would've. The only thing that made you pull away from each other was when it started to rain.

You two had formed a sort of mental bond over the past couple of months, so when you shared a look, you both knew what the other was thinking. Sodapop stood up and pulled you with him to the middle of the lot where he started to dance with you. You laughed softly and danced with him. Right now, you couldn't care less about the rain. At this moment, under the heavy skies and the rain in the pale moonlight, nothing else mattered. No one else existed outside of you two.

After a few minutes, you looked up at him "hey Soda? How come you waited so long to ask me to be your girlfriend?" He looked down at you, softly caressing your cheek and looking at you with complete sincerity "I was scared (y/n); after everything that happened with Sandy, I was scared of gettin' hurt again. Then, I was scared you'd find someone better. But, I care about you so much that I'd take dating you for a month over not dating you at all." You looked up at him with slightly watered eyes "Sodapop, I've found the sweetest, most generous guy in Tulsa. I ain't goin' nowhere without a fight." He grinned and rested his forehead against yours "you best keep that promise, sweet cheeks."

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