"Guillotine" D. Curtis

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"...I know that you love me, even when I lose my head..."

[Guillotine by Jon Bellion ft. Travis Mendes]
(What do ya know, I'm not dead yet)

It's been three months since Mr. and Mrs. Curtis tragically passed. Three months of your boyfriend worrying about any and everything; bills, work, his brothers, his friends, everything. Three months of him having nightmares about the accident that took them. Three months of you calming him as best you could and just being there for him, even when he insisted he was fine. Tonight wasn't any different than the past 83 nights, you'd practically adjusted to a routine of waking up in the middle of the night just before he did.

The clock read 1:54 AM when you woke up, knowing Darry would wake up just before 2 AM. He always did; a few minutes later, he shot up to a sitting position, wiping the sweat from his brow before holding his head in his hands. You just wrapped your arms around his broad chest and rested your head on his shoulder "it'll be okay, Darry, I swear." He quickly wiped he tears that threaten to spill from his eyes and spoke in a hoarse whisper "it wasn't the same nightmare, this time it was you." You kissed his temple softly "I'm right here sweetheart, the same place I have been for the past three months and the same place I will always be."

He looked over at you with a broken expression "I-I can't lose you like I lost mom and dad." You just shook your head, rubbing his back softly to soothe him "you won't Darry, I'll be here every morning when you wake up and every night when you come to bed." He furrowed his brows some, his breathing hitching slightly "but what if you aren't? What if someday you find someone who can provide better than I can or-or someone who doesn't wake you up in the middle of the night from a stupid nightmare?"

"Just breathe, Darry, you're gettin' worked up over something you shouldn't be worryin' about," you said calmly, taking one of his hands in your own. You softly kissed his knuckles and intertwined your fingers "I'm not going anywhere, I'll always be here for you." He looked down at you "what about the socs that can give you everything you want?" You just laughed softly and gently cupped his cheeks "Darrel Curtis, I have everything and more than I could ever want with you and the gang."

He smiled some before pulling you into a tight hug, burying his face in your shoulder. "I love you so much, (y/n)," he mumbled quietly, without letting you go. You continued to rub his back softly, holding him close "I love you too, Darry. Never ever forget that." He nodded some before laying back down, pulling you down with him. You softly kissed his forehead and played with his hair as you both attempted to go back to sleep.

The two of you stayed like that for a good half hour before he sat up again "I can't go back to sleep." You yawned quietly before sitting up "well, how about we go downstairs and see what's on TV? That'll take your mind off of the nightmare and help you relax." He thought for a minute before nodding some "okay, doll."

You both headed downstairs and got settled on the couch, keeping the volume low so you wouldn't wake anyone up. With it being almost three in the morning, there wasn't much on. For a while, you went back and forth between watching 'The Wild Wild West' and 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'. Neither of you even realized that Two-Bit was asleep on the other couch until you heard him laugh at the jokes on TV while he was asleep. After switching between the shows for a while, and Darry making a few jokes about your little crush on Dick Van Dyke, you two ended up watching 'The Addams Family'.

"I think they have one of my all-time favorite relationships," you commented before yawning some, he just nodded lazily. "They're weird but they're weird together. They support their children in their endeavors, they're a nice family," you continued, smiling up at him. He grinned down at you "they remind me a lot of mom and dad; so happy and in love." You laid your head on his chest and adjusted the blanket around you both "I wouldn't mind having a family like that someday." He softly ran his fingers through your hair, as he'd been doing off and on throughout the night, speaking without missing a beat "I wouldn't mind either, sweetheart." A few episodes later, you both fell asleep peacefully with smiles on your faces.

Darry woke you up when he shifted some in an attempt to get off the couch and ready for work without waking you. You held him tightly, snuggling your face into his chest "Darry, you don't have work today, it's your day off." He froze some, half off the couch "well I gotta make breakfast for the gang." You gave his shirt a small tug so he'd lay back down, mumbling tiredly "they're old enough to make their own breakfast, Darrel, I promise." He stammered for a few seconds "I still gotta make sure Pony and Johnny get to school." "Two-Bit's takin' them since it's the last week of school, just relax and go back to sleep," you said, still not opening your eyes or letting go of him. "Well then I'm forgetting somethin', I gotta be," he said just above a whisper. Finally, you opened your eyes and looked up at him "Darrel Shaynne, it's your day off and I made sure you'd be able to relax without having to worry about anything."

He watched you close your eyes but keep a firm hold on him and smiled tiredly, just taking in how beautiful you were to him and how lucky he was. He carefully laid back down on the couch with you in his arms and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. He let out a content breath and quietly said: "thank you." You shifted some to give him a little more room and hummed in response "hm? For what?" He grinned tiredly "for always loving me, even when I lose my head." You just kissed his cheek softly and snuggled back up to him "always, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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