"Plot Twist" A. Shepard

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"...Plot twist, I never thought it would end up like this..."

[Plot Twist by Marc E Bassy ft KYLE]

You leaned your head on your girlfriend's shoulder as she walked, carrying you on her back piggyback style. "You do know that I know that your ankle isn't hurt in the slightest, right?" she asked you playfully, smiling wide. You faked a gasp and pouted "noo, it hurts so badly." Angela rolled her eyes and kept walking, biting back a smile "you are the worst liar." You lightly pecked her cheek and smiled sweetly "you loove me." She scoffed softly before grinned at you "guilty as charged." "I never thought one kiss would end up like this," you commented before nuzzling your face into her shoulder You smelt the now very familiar scent of her vanilla and lavender perfume, making you sigh contently as you recalled how it all started.

-Flashback: 3 Months ago-

"I mean, unless you're too much of a chicken to do it," Dallas said with a smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him "watch who you're callin' a chicken, chicken." After sharing a look with your friend Angela you leaned over and kissed her. There was the weirdest feeling when your lips touched hers. After a moment you pulled back and smirked at Dallas, holding your hand out "I'll take that pack of cancer sticks now." Dallas grumbled and bitterly placed the box in your hand. You put about half of them into your pack and gave the rest to Angela "don't play the game if you don't wanna lose, Dally." Dallas grumbled under his breath and the betting game continued.

The game went on for another hour or so before you and Angela headed back to your neighborhood. There as a slight awkward silence between you two as you walked side by side. "So, you didn't tell me you were gay," she said somewhat blankly. You looked over at her "I'm not! I mean, I'm not really straight but I'm not gay." Angela nodded some and leaned her head on your shoulder as you two kept walking "then, what are you?" You gave a halfhearted shrug "I'm not sure and I could be wrong, but I think the term is Bisexual." She nodded and the two of you sat down on her porch. "This is gonna sound kinda weird but, could we kiss again?" She asked nervously, looking up at you. You looked over at her, confused and mildly shocked by the question "are you sure?"

When she nodded, you leaned in some and pressed a softly and gentle kiss to her lips. Angela's lips were soft, which wasn't a surprise to you. After several minutes, you pulled back some and looked at her. She didn't look disgusted or regretful; she looks like she was in a state of short bliss. "I don't think I'm straight either, (y/n)," she said quietly, flashing a small smile. You looked at her, your cheeks already tinting a light pink "really?" She nodded "I've been thinking about it for a while and I think you just helped me confirm that I'm not straight, I think I'm gay." Your cheeks only blushed brighter, thankful the darkness of night hid it. You know you had a crush on her but you always assumed you didn't have a chance because she was straight.

With this new confession, you quickly plucked up the courage to just tell her how you felt about her. "Angela? Do you think maybe we could go on a date?" You asked her nervously, fidgeting with a ring you had on. Even in the dark, you could see her blushing heavily "I'd like that."

-Flashback: Over-

You hopped off of her back when the two of you got to the lot. You quickly pecked her on the lips after wrapped your arms around her "who would've thought that one kiss would become a hundred?" Angela smiled up at you, despite you being only a couple inches taller "I've never been in love, but I've never been opposed to it. I never even thought I'd get this close to it." You beamed a smile down at her "I'm glad you came out to me those months ago, now I can't imagine dating and loving anyone else." She pecked your lips softly "what can I say? I loved the taste of your lips."

The two of you stayed like that for several minutes before you started walking again "do, uh, do your brothers know?" She shook her head, gently playing with your fingers "no and it's not even that I think they wouldn't accept it, I just think they'd be idiots and say somethin' stupid." You nodded understandingly "yeah, well, that's hormonal teenage boys for you." Angela nodded, laughing softly "you've got that right, plus I've seen the videos they watch so it would get really awkward really quickly." It took a minute for her joke to click in your mind so when it did, you laughed happily "not to mention, both hit on me shamelessly." She smirked playfully at you "well, you picked the right Shepard sibling." You nodded and wrapped your arms around her waist "damn right I picked the right one, I picked my favorite one and I'm not pickin' another any time soon." She laughed softly and leaned into your hold some "you better not ditch me for one of them." After a quick peck on her cheek, you grinned "you'll never have to worry about that, darling, I'm yours."


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