"You Are" T. Shepard

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"...Dreamin' 'bout you all night lately damn near drove me crazy..."

[You Are by MOD SUN ft Mansionz]

"C'mon, will you just stop and let me explain!" Tim hollered after you as you kept walking down the sidewalk, away from him. You scoffed and just kept going, pulling your wrist out of his grasp when he grabbed it "I'd really rather not hear about you and whats-her-face making out." He just sighed heavily and grabbed your arm again, tighter this time so you'd have to stop "she kissed me! I barely had time to react and push her away before you came in." You may have stopped walking but you wouldn't turn around to face him "Tim, how can you expect me to believe that?" He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and set his head on your shoulder "because, you know you're the only one that gets inside my head. You're the only girl I want."

You exhaled heavily, refusing to look at him "Tim, sweet talking won't save you this time." He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, planting a couple soft kisses "you know I'm tryin' to be a better man for you." One thing you hated about being with Tim was he always knew how to make your anger dissipate and make you give into him. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it just meant you couldn't give him the silent treatment when he did or said something stupid.

A small smile found it's way across your face as you leaned into his embrace "have I ever told you how much of a pain you are?" He grinned cheekily as he saw you anger almost completely disappear "have I ever told you how cute it is when you try to be mad?" You lightly nudged him with your elbow "watch it, mister, you're barely out of the dog house." He just picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before he started to walk back to his house.

The entire walk back to his house consisted of you asking him to put you down and him either saying no or pretending to drop you. Jackass. He finally set you down in front of his porch and smiled "I can't believe you've got me startin' to think about my future." You shrugged happily and hugged him "I told you a little planning wouldn't kill you." He rolled his eyes and bit back a smirk "not yet it hasn't." You kissed him quickly and smiled "you're such a drama queen sometimes." He smirked, "I think the term is drama king." You patted his cheek before walking up his porch steps to the front door "no Tim, it's really not." He pouted briefly as he followed you inside.

The two of you settled onto his couch, enjoying the quiet since Curly was in reform school for trying to rob a liquor store, again, and Angela was out doing God knows what. He turned the TV on and you both started to watch 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly'. Tim changed the channel quickly when you made a sly comment about Clint Eastwood's physique. Even if it was a movie star who you'd never in a million years meet, Tim hated it when you vocalized how you found other men attractive; which is why you only did it to movie stars when you were mad at him.

Halfway through some other movie that was substantially less interesting, as in instead of watching it the two of you were making out, his phone started to ring. You reluctantly pulled back some but he just pulled you back to him "you know I don't pick up the phone for anything or anyone when we're together." "But what if-" you started, only to be silenced with a quick kiss. "(Y/n), doll, as far as I'm concerned, you're the only person who matters at the moment," he smiled uncharacteristically genuine at you.

After the movie that neither of you were paying attention to ended, you went up to his room and laid down. He gave you one of his shirts, knowing how much you loved curling up in them when you stayed at his house. He changed into sweatpants before joining you in his bed, rolling his eyes at how much you hogged the blankets. Truth be told, you only hogged them because it was the only way he'd cuddle you. Big, bad gang leader Tim Shepard would have to cuddle you if he wanted any of the blankets. "Are you really gonna do this every time you sleep over?" He asked sarcastically as he attempted to pull the blanket over himself.

You nodded and snuggled even further into the blankets, tightening your hold on them "you know what to do if you want to use some of the nice, warm, snuggly blankets." Tim groaned quietly and opened his arms, which you gladly moved into to. "Can I have some of the blankets now?" He asked, already trying to take some. You kept your tight hold on them and shook your head "goodnight kiss?" He rolled his eyes and kissed you softly, well, as softly as he was capable of. You smiled triumphantly at him and tossed some of the blankets over him. Tim flashed a faint smile at you "you're such a pain, y'know that?" You just nodded with the same happy smile "but I'm your pain." He nodded tiredly and smiled lazily, closing his eyes "goddamn right you are." You loved this idiot. He was this big model juvenile delinquent hood and you wouldn't trade him for anyone.

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