"Human Nature" D. Winston

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"...If they say why, tell them that it's human nature..."

[Human Nature by Michael Jackson]

For @rxsiewaters the realest of the real
(Sidenote: I've never heard this song before I started this so I'm sorry in advance)

Just because you hung around the same people often doesn't mean you knew someone well. Take your relationship with Dallas for example, you both hung out with the same people but often never at the same time, your paths only vaguely crossed from time to time but that was it. When you and he actually did properly meet for the first time it was... interesting. You were walking home from the corner store at night and he was aimlessly wandering the streets after a rather shitty day. He had a few cuts and bruises forming on his face along with a busted lip but that was the last thing on his mind. He was in too shitty of a mood to give a crap, you actually bumped into him only a block away from your house. Having the slightest bit of a crush on him, you all but dragged him into your house to clean him up, despite his weak protests and faint efforts to leave. Since you had a group of mutual friends, you knew he wouldn't do anything too bad, at worst he'd say something crude. Begrudgingly, he sat somewhat still while you cleaned him up and tried to figure out what the hell happened. Though, all he would say was 'I don't wanna talk about it'.

After that, you tried to go out of your way to talk to him or at least attempt small talk when you ran into him and his gang and he always had some sort of snide remark or sarcastic comment ready. It almost seemed like for each move you made to be nice to him, he took a step in the opposite direction. It was frustrating but you just had this need to make him open up, you weren't sure why. His gang, who you were slowly hanging around more, just assured you that's just how Dallas was, that it was just part of his nature.

Then, something Two-Bit joked about stuck in your mind. "You know, when I was seven or eight there was this real' sweet girl in my class, Beth Masterson, she used to stand in front of me in line. I pulled her ponytail at recess almost every day," he had a fond smile on his face as he recalled. You gave him a curious look "what does that have to do with Dallas being a jackass to me?" "Oh, I had a massive crush on her, I thought she was cute and that's how I showed it, I even put gum in her hair once," he answered casually. Darry looked at him for a second, an almost dumbstruck look on his face as he whispered "how in the world do you have a girlfriend.."

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's what Dally's doin' to you, he ain't exactly in tune with his emotions," Two said before he busted up laughing like someone just said the Flintstones were better than Mickey Mouse. That wasn't that farfetched of an idea; Dallas wasn't someone who was used to positive attention and affection so it would kind of make sense for him to react to it the only way he knew how; with bothering and poking fun. Just to be sure though, you asked Johnny what he thought since he knew Dallas better than anyone and he shyly confirmed it.

That brought you to where you were now; walking up the steps to Buck's so you could talk to Dallas alone. After briefly greeting Buck, you walked upstairs to Dallas's room, not bothering to knock "Dallas Winston you and I are gonna talk right now." The half-asleep greaser hummed in response, slightly propping himself up on his elbows to look at you "what?"

"Look, I wanna know why you're always a jackass to me," you said flatly. He shrugged nonchalantly "it's just who I am, it's just part of my nature." "Nope, I know you can be nice. Dallas, I care about you and I need to know if you're being an ass because you genuinely don't like me or because you just don't know how to simply say you care," you told him, arms folding over your chest. He didn't say anything but he mimicked you, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly. "Can you act mature for a minute or is that also not in your nature?" You asked sarcastically. "Fine, you're right, but you shouldn't expect me to be all lovey-dovey and full of feelings, that shits not for me," he said without changing his expression.

For a moment, you were actually at a loss for words, you didn't think he'd come out and admit it just like that. "I didn't-I don't expect you to be all lovey-dovey or some emotional geyser, but you can't just bottle everything up inside." Dallas gave a small shrug "I've been doing it for my entire life, why stop now?" "Because if you don't, I'm leaving and you can deal with being alone," you prompted. "Fine, I like being alone," he scoffed slightly, rolling his eyes. "Okay, have fun," you turned and walked to the doorway. You were calling his bluff. He might've been stubborn but so were you.

After two steps out of the room, you heard a heavy and surprisingly dramatic sigh followed by a quiet grumble "I can't promise nothin'." You smiled to yourself before looking back at him with a straight face, walking over to him "at least try? For me?" He grumbled a response and when you made a move to leave, he was quick to grab your arm. Before you had the chance to process it, he had you lying beside him with his arms around you "fine, I'll try." You looked up at him with a small smirk "I never would've thought you'd be a cuddler." "No shit," he muttered, pressing his lips to yours in a surprisingly gentle kiss. "Don't be such a jackass," you muttered against his lips. He chuckled quietly with a lazy grin "what? It's in my nature."

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