"Loyalties Among Thieves" T. Mathews

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"...And there's no loyalties amongst thieves, except for you and me..."

[Loyalties Among Thieves by New Politics]

(e/c) = eye color
(y/n) = your name

Every couple has something they like to do together; some like to drink together, some go out dancing, some go to sports games but not you and Keith. No, you and Keith bond by going out and stealing. Maybe you'll lift from a gas station or convenience store or maybe you'll go for something more challenging, like a jewelry store. The only time the two of you steal separately is when you're getting a gift for the other person. Your favorite necklace was one he stole from a store and gave to you for your six month anniversary; his favorite switchblade was one you lifted off some soc. You both had separate talents when it came to stealing; he was great at taking things from stores, you were great and pickpocketing. Together, you were quite the team.

Walking down the sidewalk, your arm around his waist and his around your hips with his hand in your back pocket, you were planning out your next little mini-heist. "I'm tellin' ya doll, that little store down the street from the Dingo would be perfect. The lady that runs it is never paying attention," he insisted. You thought for a moment, recalling all the inventory the store had. "Okay Keith, let's go," you said with a small smile as you gave in. He cheered happily and kept walking, pressing a soft kiss to your temple as he did.

After a few blocks, he stopped to compliment a lady running a flower cart. Although, when she wasn't looking he subtly plucked a flower from one of the bouquets and put it in your hair as you two walked off "a pretty flower for a pretty lady." You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line, but still blushed "thank you, Keith." He grinned goofily at your reaction and opened the door when you got to the store. You pecked his cheek softly as you walked in, him right behind you.

As you both walked around the store, looking at everything and deciding what you'd take, you made mental notes of where the cameras were and which way was the quickest escape. Keith smiled at you from across the aisle as he picked up a couple of switchblades. He made his way back over to you and grinned "there's no loyalty among thieves-" "-except for you and me," you finished the phrase, something that had become almost a motto for you. You'd never said 'I love you' to one another, it just seemed unspoken. You both showed it in what you stole for the other.

You went over to an unsupervised corner and put the switchblades in your bra, coming back over with a grin after pretending to put them back on the shelf. Keith turned around and you watched his back as he hid a watch in his leather jacket. While his back was turned you stuffed a Mickey Mouse VHS in your own jacket, as a little surprise for him later. Keith wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and grinned "I saw that, Bonnie." You rolled your eyes again at this nickname that had started at a joke by his friends and it stuck. You turned and wrapped your arms around his neck "then I suggest you forget you saw that, Clyde." His grin was equal parts goofy and cocky "maybe I will if I get a kiss." You snorted out a laughed and patted his cheek, heading towards the exit "in your dream, Mathews."

He faked a gasp and ran after you, only, he stumbled and one of the things he lifted fell from his pocket. "Get back here young man!" The shop lady behind the counter ordered. Keith just laughed and took off running after you. When he didn't come back to her, she stopped in the entryway and called out "don't you ever come back here, you no-good thief!" Keith laughed as he ran, following after you. You could hear the lady yelling indistinct threats after the two of you.

After a few blocks and a shortcut through an alley, you both stopped to catch your breath. Once you were both, safely away from the store you checked to make sure you still had everything you took. You and Keith shared a look and started laughing "man, doll, that old broad was pissed!" You nodded as you laughed before mocking her "I'm callin' the cops if I see the likes you in my store again!" Keith busted up laughing, even more, leaning against the wall as he mocked her as well "you damn greasers are always up to no good!"

Keith and you both sat down with your backs against the building; your head on his shoulder and his head on top of yours "you really are the Bonnie to my Clyde, doll." You took his hand and intertwined your fingers "one of these days, our pictures will be all over the city, state, and maybe country, and we'll be runnin' from the law." Keith looked down at you "you gonna be okay when that happens, baby? Because, if you wanna get out before we're on Tulsa's 'Most Wanted' list now would be the time." You looked up at him with a genuine smile "Keith, I don't care if we get put on the FBI's 'Most Wanted' list, I ain't goin' nowhere."

Keith looked at you for a minute, almost like he was studying your features and looking for any sign you were messing around. When he found you were 110% genuine he leaned over and kissed you softly, cupping one of your cheeks. The two of you shared a loving kiss for a moment that could've gone on forever before he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and looking into your own (e/c) eyes "(y/n), sweetheart, I am completely, one hundred percent, head-over-heels in love with you." As you looked up into his eyes, their usual joking sparkle was gone and replaced with a serious, genuine gleam of affection "oh, Keith, I love you too."

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