"Fall Into These Arms" T. Mathews

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"...I kiss better when I'm drunk, sex is best when you're not in love..."

[Fall Into These Arms by New Politics]

There's no point in saying your first meeting with Two-Bit Mathews was anything romantic because it was the exact opposite. The two of you met in the cooler when you were put in neighboring holding cells. Your relationship has never been conventional, and that's just how you both liked it. The two of you weren't so much as actually dating, as you were hooking up with just each other.

-Flashback: Seven-ish Months Ago-

"You know the drill, greaser," the officer sneered annoyedly as you emptied your pockets before being patted down. "Y'know, Richard, if you wanted to get close to me, you could've just bought me a drink, you didn't need to arrest me," you said smugly as he led you to a holding cell for the night. He just unlocked the cell and ushered you in before locking it, speaking sarcastically "very cute." You smirked happily and laid down on the metal bench in the cell, closing your eyes and folding your arms under your head to relax.

A moment later, you heard quiet snickering "damn sweet stuff, Holder don't like you very much, does he?" You looked over to the cell beside yours and sent the boy who talked a smile "I'm not exactly his favorite person in the world." "Looks like we're in the same boat then," he flashed a goofy grin and stuck his hand through the cell bars "Two-Bit Mathews." You gladly shook his hand "(y/n), what're you in for?" You both took seats on the benches in your cells, closer to the bars that separated you, he smiled "I got careless and got caught stealin' a switchblade. What about you?" You grinned proudly "I allegedly vandalized police cars."

His brows furrowed with confusion and intrigue "I'm sorry, allegedly?" You nodded with a grin "yeah, allegedly. They have to prove I'm the one who's been spray painting pigs on their cars before they can actually charge. Right now the only evidence they have is that I was seen fleeing the area with a can of spray paint but that's only circumstantial, and if they can't do it then they have to let me go." He gave you a curious look "how do you know so much about the law?" "My granddad was a lawyer and he let me keep all his books when he died," you answered casually with a happy shrug. The boy snorted a laugh "I like you, doll, wanna get together after this?" Officer Holder shouted with an annoyed tone "shut the hell up in there! This ain't a fuckin' singles mixer." "Fuck you, Dick Holder!" You yelled back with a proud smirk before getting comfortable. "That is not my name, you will address me as Officer Holder or else I'll lock you in here for a month for disorderly conduct," he snapped.


As the two of you laid in your bed with only a sheet covering the little modesty you two had around one another, you passed him a cigarette and lit your own before passing the lighter. While he lit his, you took a drag from yours, blowing a smoke cloud out afterward. "Mind handin' me my beer, doll?" He asked as he tilted his head to crack his neck, audibly sighing in relief after the sound.

You nodded and leaned over, taking a swig from the bottle before handing it to him "there ya are." He took a swig of the alcohol himself before taking another drag of his cigarette "thanks sweet cheeks." You just nodded your reply and took a drag, blowing another smoke cloud and watching it quickly disappear.

"How come you do that, (y/n)? You always seem interested in watching the cloud disappear." He asked curiously after several moments of silence. "Well, if I watch it disappear, I won't be breathing it back in so I can enjoy the next drag." His eyes widened in slight surprise "really?" "Probably not, I just made that up. It's honestly just a habit," you said with a smile and a small shrug.

"You're a damn smart ass, you know that?" He asked sarcastically, biting back a smirk. "A smart ass with a great ass," you corrected slyly. He gave a sarcastic laugh before genuinely chuckling "yeah, I can't deny that." "Good answer."

Another few minutes of silence followed, almost like he was thinking heavily about something. "Hey Two, you got somethin' on your mind? You seemed different than usual this time," you asked, sitting up some to look at him. "It's nothin' doll, it's actually something really stupid," he answered, sending a forced smile. "Keith, c'mon, what's goin' on in that head of yours?" You used a more caring tone, hoping he'd tell you. You may not have been dating, but you did care about his happiness.

Two-Bit refused to say what was bothering him, it took some convincing before he finally spoke up. "You wanna know what I'm thinkin' about? I'm thinkin' that you're probably the most amazing girl I've ever met or ever will meet. I'm thinkin' that I love how witty you are when mouthin' off to cops. I'm thinking about how strong you are when it comes to fightin' in rumbles or just for the hell of it. I'm thinking about the way you look when your little dimples come out when you smile after making a dumb joke. I'm just-" He paused and took a deep, almost defeated sounding breath before looking at you again "I'm in love with you, I've never met a girl like you."

"Keith, how long have you thought all of this?" You asked quietly, barely above a whisper. He shrugged before falling back onto the bed "I dunno! Maybe a few weeks, maybe since we met at the police station." You furrowed your brows at the admission "why didn't you tell me then?" He just gave a frustrated sigh and went quiet for a minute, running his hand over his face tiredly before he answered "because you always said sex was best when your not in love. I thought if I told you, that'd be the end of this and I don't care if we're dating, screwing, or just friends because I just want to be in your life. It's hard to imagine not havin' you around anymore and the last thing I want is for you and me to not be nothin' no more."

As you looked back over the past months, recounting every time you two saw each other you finally noticed the little things he tended to do. Things like giving you his last cigarette or the last swig of his beer, or keeping his arm around your waist when you two were out, or how he always let you fall asleep with your head on his chest and your arm draped over his chest.

You wanted to kick yourself for not paying attention or noticing it earlier. Then, when you went further into your thoughts, you started thinking about those little pangs of jealousy when girls would flirt with him at bars or the fear you felt when he didn't call you or come over after a rumble. "What're you thinkin' about?" He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.

You gave him a small smile "I'm thinking that you're kind of a pain in the ass. I'm thinking about how hard you laugh at your own jokes and stories, and about how when you're watching Mickey Mouse you'd beat up anyone who tried to change the channel. And I'm pretty stupid for not realizing how I felt sooner." He cocked his eyebrow some, clearly holding back a smirk "and how do you feel?" "Like I'd be pretty glad to be stuck with a guy like you," you said with a grin and before he could say anything you pulled him into a kiss. This time it felt different, the lust was mostly overtaken by a feeling of love.

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