"Home" P. Curtis

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"...I may not know it all but I know this; home isn't where you are, it's who you're with and it..."

[Home by Gnash ft. Johnny Yukon]

You sat in the lot next to a slightly sobbing Ponyboy "I-I can't believe he hit me! I told ya Darry hated me!" You had one of your arms around him "Ponyboy, Darry doesn't hate you, he was just worried and it got the best of him."  He shook his head "Darry would put me in a boy's home in a heartbeat if it weren't for Sodapop." It honestly broke your heart seeing your best friend like this; you know Darry didn't hate him, he was just under a ton of stress and it got the best of him. "He wouldn't do that, Ponyboy, I promise you that Darry loves you and Soda more than anything." Ponyboy just sighed quietly and shook his head before mumbling "maybe I should just run away, find a new home somewhere else."

"Ponyboy, you're smart enough to know that that won't solve your problems," you told him simply. He furrowed his brows at you "and why wouldn't it?" "Because, Ponyboy, because home isn't a place it's a state of mind." When all you go in response was a questioning look you elaborated "Ponyboy, home isn't where you are geographically, it's who's around you. Home is a feeling, it's where you're surrounded by people you love and who love you." Ponyboy seemed to calm as he thought about it, so you kept talking "look at the gang Ponyboy; we all have our houses but y'alls house is our home. It's where we can all go after a long, shitty day and just feel a feeling of camaraderie." He started to nod before he gave you a funny look "I'm sorry, cam-whaty?" You smiled sweetly "it's like a feeling of mutual friendship or trust between people who spend a lot of time together." He nodded as he thought "I guess you're right, (y/n)." You grinned cheekily and playfully poked him "almost always am, Pony."

You two stayed at the lot and just enjoyed each other's company. Ponyboy leaned his head against your shoulder "sometimes I don't know what any of us would do without you." You laughed softly and nudged him playfully "Two-Bit would probably get slapped a lot more, Dallas would get into twice as much trouble, Sodapop and Steve wouldn't have someone to settle their arguments, Johnny wouldn't have tried out for the track team with you, and Darry would be goin' grey from stress."

Ponyboy gave you the most dumbfounded look you'd ever seen. He ended up chuckling some and grinning "do you often think about what a mess we'd be without you?" You smiled and jokingly nodded "yup, but don't tell the guys." You shared a laugh and grinned down at him "you feelin' better about everything Ponyboy?" He nodded with a smile "yeah, I really am." "Good, can't have my best friend bein' sad," you said honestly.

After another half hour, you both stood and stretched, beginning the walk back to his house. At some point, Ponyboy sighed quietly "Darry's gonna kill me when I get back home." You looked up from your connected hands "Ponyboy, by now Darry will have had time to cool off, I'd bet a nickel Superman even suffocates you in a hug." Ponyboy nudged you "hm, I'd best a kiss he hollers at me." You playfully narrowed your eyes at him "you're on, Curtis."

The two of you walked slowly, enjoying the night's calmness. Though when you reach his gate, he hesitated briefly and looked at you "you sure I can't just run away?" You nodded "I'm sure, just remember this; home isn't where you are, its' who you're with, and you'll always have me and the gang." He nodded and the two of you walked passed the gate and inside. 

To his surprise, but not yours, a very distraught looking Darry jumped out of his chair and hugged his little brother tightly. Sodapop came out of the kitchen and quickly joined the hug. Both brothers looked like they'd been sick from worry. Sodapop looked at you from over his brother's shoulder and mouthed the words 'thank you'. You smiled and made a move to leave the house but Darry pulled you into the hug.

The four of you pulled apart and Darry smiled admirably down at you "I don't know what you did and said to him but thank you, so much (y/n)." You smiled up at the man "I just told him the truth about running from things and what home really was." He nodded some and smiled down at you "thanks for always keepin' an eye out for him, and talkin' him off the ledge." You nodded and shared a quick look with Ponyboy "what can I say, I love him and he's my home." Darry smiled at the looks you two shared and sat back down. Soda gave you a quick but tight hug and smiled "I'm glad my kid brother found a girl like you, there ain't a lot of good ones out there and he snagged a great one." Sodapop's comment made you blush and you only blushed more when you felt Ponyboy take your hand.

Ponyboy smiled lovingly at  you "I did snag a pretty great one, huh Soda?" His brother nodded before going back to the kitchen. Ponyboy leaned over some and kissed you gently; he only pulled away when Darry cleared his throat and mumbled: "keep it G rated." Ponyboy's cheeks turned bright red at his brother's 'dad complex' so you led him outside to the porch. "You're my home, (y/n), I hope you always will be," he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You closed your eyes, leaning your head into his palm "and you're mine."

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