"This Side of You" S. Randle

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"... If it ain't broke, baby don't fix it; cause girl I think your damn near perfect..."

[This Side of You by Ryan Follese]

You sat on a bench in the DX's garage, waiting for Steve to finish with the car he was currently working on. "Doll, I don't need to be able to see you, to know that you're lookin' at your reflection and pickin' out what you think are flaws," he said without sliding from under the car. As usual, Steve was right about that. It was a habit you'd always had; picking out each flaw on yourself, no matter how minuscule. You were just an insecure person "you don't know that's what I'm doin'." You heard him snort out a laugh "sweetheart, I've known you long enough to know that that's exactly what you're doin'." You huffed silently "I am not." He chuckled and dropped his wrench "so if I come out from under this car, you won't be lookin' in the detached side mirror and scowlin' at yourself." Once again, he was right on the money. You set the mirror back on the tool desk "as a matter of fact, I wasn't."

Steve slid out from under the car and cocked an eyebrow "baby, I heard you put the mirror down." "You're hearin' things Stevie, you've probably got a ton of grease in your ears," you said nonchalantly. Steve got up and walked over to where you sat, completely straight-faced "baby I wouldn't fix a broken car." You furrowed your brows some as you looked at him "what's that have to do with anything?" When he finished wiping the grease off of his hands, he gently cupped your cheeks "if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And babygirl, you are so far from broken, you're damn perfect." There was nothing but pure genuineness in his eyes as you stared into them "Stevie-" He cut you off "no, (y/n), I know you don't see yourself the way I do, but I've never seen anyone more beautiful and I'll spend everyday makin' you see what I see."

You looked at the ground to hide your blush from Steve's sweetly cocky grin "c'mon babydoll." Steve took one of your hands and pulled you up off the bench, leading you out of the garage. Once he closed and locked the door, he took your hand and you both started walking to his house. After a few minutes of walking in silence, he took his DX hat off and put it on you. He grinned at the goofy smile that crossed your features as he did so. "You know, no matter what you do, it's always a hell of a view, I'll never get tired of it." You nudged him slightly and kept walking "oh hush." Steve laughed softly and threw an arm around your shoulder "nope, there ain't one thing that your missin', every imperfection is perfect, sweetheart."

Steve may have been cocky, and sometimes came off as rude but he was the greatest boyfriend you could've asked for. He always knew just what to say to cheer you up or make you feel good about yourself. "Gosh, Stevie, I don't know what I did to deserve a guy like you," you half-mumbled as you looked up at him with complete adoration. He smiled down at you "oh that's easy doll, you just did what you do and that was one hell of a view I'd never get over or take for granted." Steve's statement made you blush even more than you already had been "if you're any sweeter, you'll end up givin' me a cavity."

Steve smirked and picked you up bridal style, continuing to walk "well then, I hope you've got a good dentist because you'll be gettin' a lot of cavities." You rolled your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck "cheesy but effective, just like most of your pickup lines." Steve faked a hurt gasp "there go my feelings and my ego." You mocked a sympathetic pout "oh poor baby, I'm so sorry, do you need a kiss to fix them?" Steve stopped walking to pout and nod "I don't know if that'll mend my broken ego but it could help." You leaned up a little and kissed him softly, rolling your eyes some when you felt his pout turn into a grin.

Steve pulled back from the kiss with his pout replaced by his cocky grin. You patted his cheek softly and wiggled out of his grasp "you're lucky you're so cute because you're a major pain in the ass." Steve smirked as you two resumed walking "that's the first time you've said I'm a pain in anything doll." You furrowed your brows at his comment and poked his chest in a fake attempt to intimidate him "Steven Randle!" He laughed happily and 'booped' your nose before he took off running "catch me if you can!" You scoffed half-irritated and half-humored as you took off after him, holding back laughter.

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