"Pumpkin Pie" A. Shepard

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"...We can both pretend it's the first time, like we don't know what heartbreak feels like..."

[Pumpkin Pie by Ryan Caraveo]

A knock on your window pulled you out of your thoughts, quickly wiping your eyes before getting up to open the window. A small smile came across your face when your girlfriend of almost six months was standing on the other side, offering a sympathetic look "c'mon, I know a secret spot just for us, we'll be able to see the city perfectly." You didn't need to be told twice, so after pulling your jacket and shoes on you climbed out of the window. As soon as both feet were steady on the ground, Angela engulfed you in a hug you so desperately needed.

After a few minutes of just standing there, hugging each other, you followed her to her brother's car and got in. You sniffled some, quickly wiping your eyes "you stole Tim's keys again, didn't you?" She just sent you a proud grin as she started the car, starting the drive to wherever she had planned to take you "I'd steal a cop car if it gave me a way to get to you when you're upset." You gave a small laugh before laying your head on her shoulder, admittedly enjoying the comfortable silence in the car.

At least twenty maybe thirty minutes later, Angela pulled up to an overlook where you could truly see every bit of Tulsa. The two of you got out and took a seat in the surprisingly soft grass that was growing. She immediately wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into her side in a comforting manner that you loved more than anything. Her familiar vanilla lavender perfume quieted your overactive mind and let you relax.

"I wonder if anyone can see us from all the way down there," you thought out loud, looking at the city's lights in all their moderate glory. You felt her give a small shrug "probably not, that's why I like this place." You snuggled into her side further, wrapping your arms around her waist as she held you comfortingly "your family's going to use you up until there's nothing left inside, (y/n)." You gave a small shrug "it's fine Ang, they're my family."

"Go ahead and let it out Pumpkin, I ain't scared," Angela whispered after sitting in a blissful silence for several minutes. You shook your head some "Angela I'm-" She cut you off quickly, knowing you'd be stubborn "it's in the eyes babe, the eyes are the windows to the soul and yours are saying you aren't fine."

Sighing, you started spilling "I'm just exhausted with everything; school, work, everyone at home. It just feels like everyone will keep taking slices of my soul until there's nothing left." Angela kept her arms around you, soothing rubbing your shoulder "I wish I could stop everyone from doin' this crap, you're workin' yourself to death and no one appreciates it." Sighing out of frustration, you looked up at her "what am I supposed to say, Ang? 'Hey mom and dad, I quit my job because you guys don't appreciate all the work I do around here, have fun buying your own beer and crap'."

"Yeah, that's exactly what you say!" She started, getting fired up "(y/n), look at me, you can't keep putting in 110% effort with them not putting in any; you're running on fumes." You just gave her a slight nod before burying your face into the crook of her neck, there was no point in denying that, she was right and you both knew that.

Placing a few light kiss on the top of your head, Angela kept quiet as she held you. "You deserve a good night," she said softly, making you look up at her in confusion. "What do you mean, Ang?" She just sent you a smile before kissing you lovingly, keeping you close to her protectively. Even before the two of you started dating, Angela was always a protective and caring friend and it's increased ten-fold since.

When you both pulled away from the kiss, she sent you a sly smile as she finally answered your earlier question "what I mean, is I'm gonna make you forget about all of your issues and get you to completely relax." A deep blush came across your cheeks before you got a slightly cocky grin "you're gonna give me amnesia?" She laughed, nudging you with her elbow "nope, but I'm gonna make it so everyone down in Tulsa knows you're my girl. Tonight, you won't be screaming out of frustration." Before you could say anything cocky or witty, she lightly tackled you, a smirk playing on her lips "Angela!"

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