"Call Me" S. Randle

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"...You know that I hate her, come and see me later, let me replace her..."

[Call Me by Cardiff Brothers]

You and Steve stood by his phone, listening to what felt like the hundredth voicemail Evie had left him, each one sounded worse and more spiteful than the last. She'd been doing this a lot recently even though they broke up about a year and a half ago. You two recently celebrated your one year anniversary and this was starting to really bother both of you. Steve invited you over for a much-needed stay-in date night with a movie, pizza, and popcorn, just like your first date. He deleted the voice after she said: "call me when you break up." He didn't want to hear the rest after that and neither did you.

Steve set up the movie while you went to the kitchen to make popcorn and some drinks for the two of you. He'd just finished when someone knocked on the door, he was disappointed it was Evie and not the pizza guy. "What the hell are you doin' here?" He asked her in a harsh, hushed tone. "You are her ain't us, Stevie, let me replace her; I know you miss me," was her very slurred reply. Steve rolled his eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh "you must be crazy if you think I miss you. Besides, you're just mad that guy ain't me, Evie." She pouted and batted her eyelashes, reaching "baby don't you miss all the fun we had together?"

When she tried to wrap her arms around his waist, he held her away at arm's length by her shoulders "stop callin' me baby, and this may sound hateful but I don't want you in my life." The cute act she'd been using faded and was quickly replaced with a hateful glare "Stevie she's the reason we broke up!" Steve couldn't help but snort out a cold laugh "no, Evie, we broke up because you found a soc who liked you and screwed him behind my back for a few months." The shorter girl just glared coldly at him when you called out from the kitchen "everything okay, Steve?" "Yeah doll, just someone drunk," he called back before returning the equally cold glare "you're so hateful, y'know? She's an angel and I'm glad that she ain't you."

Evie scoffed at being called out for being hateful and jealous, Steve kept talking "I know you don't care that we're through, but we are and that's a fact." At this point, she'd started to sober up some and that only made her angrier "what about everything you said when we were together? How you couldn't replace me?" Steve let out a quiet sigh "that shit was just like your 'I love you's: only real and true until they weren't."

That being said, she briefly looked sad before looking angry again. Steve looked down at her "Evie, losin' you was one of my biggest fears, but you let it go to shit and you fucked my heart up." She huffed angrily, clearly bothered by not getting her way "Stevie-" He cut her off "what the fuck did you expect me to do when I found out? When you blatantly and very publicly left me for him?" She tried to stammer out some bullshit excuse but he stopped her again, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

This wasn't the first time she'd shown up at his house drunk like this, but it was the first time you'd been there when she did it. Steve had managed to keep his tone harsh but hushed as to avoid you overhearing and getting anxious or overstressed. He shook his head and looked down at her, folding his arms over his chest "if you really love me, can't you be happy that I'm happy?" She scoffed bitterly "no!" She slapped him semi-hardly before turning and storming off his porch and headed towards her house.

Steve rubbed his face where her hand came in contact with it and closed the door behind him. He jumped slightly when he saw you leaning against the staircase "Christ, doll, do I need to put a bell around you?" You rolled your eyes at his small quip and smiled softly "I'd rather you didn't." He walked over and wrapped his arms around you "how much did you hear?" You kissed his cheek softly and smiled up at him "most of it; you're really bad at whispering." He grinned goofily, as he almost always did around you, and kissed you softly "I meant it; everything I said about bein' happy with you and lovin' you."

You smiled up at him and playfully shoved his chest "you better, you've got more than me countin' on you sweetheart." He smiled lovingly and put his hand over the small bump of your stomach "I know, and I'm not goin' anywhere any time soon baby, and uh, baby." He paused briefly in the middle, adding the last part with a small, dopey smile on his face. He kissed you softly and smiled when there was another knock on the door. This time, it was the pizza guy and Steve happily paid him and closed the door so the two of you could get comfortable and enjoy the peace you had.

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