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On the night Prince Wilfred proposed to me... we stayed together in one of the guest rooms.

Wilfred: "I didn't think we'd be staying together at Nobel Michel Castle..."

Prince Wilfred's voice was a little bit shy and I smiled at him when there was a knock on the door. We stared at each other for a moment before Prince Wilfred answered.

Wilfred: "Come in."

The door opened at his call and Zain entered the room.

Zain: "Please excuse me."

In his hand cause he held a bottle of champagne.

Zain: "It is a small present from Lord Michel to the both of you."

He turned the label to show us and Prince Wilfred raised his eyebrows.

Wilfred: "This is quite the gift."

Zain: "Not at all. By the way, Your Highness."

Zain: "Would it be best if I arrange lodgings for your bodyguards?"

Wilfred: "Lodgings?"

Zain: "Yes, I feel there is no need to guard while you are within the castle."

Wilfred: "Oh I see, Nobel Michel will have its own guards."

Prince Wilfred looked towards Zain as he spoke.

Wilfred: "I don't mind sending them home today, so long as they are back tomorrow for my journey home."

Zain smiled a little bit as he replied.

Zain: "Then perhaps it is better if I prepare a room for them."

Zain: "It would save them the trouble of going away and coming back again?"

Prince Wilfred smiled shyly at Zain's insistence.

Wilfred: "Yes, you're right. May I ask you to do that?"

Zain: "Understood. Please, relax and enjoy your evening."

And with those words, Zain turned and he left the room. Prince Wilfred opened his mouth to speak.

Wilfred: "It appears as I still have a thing or two to learn about being considerate towards others..."

(But I wonder if he means his bodyguards...?)

Regina: "But, I don't think you're inconsiderate."

I said as trying to make him feel better. He smiled softly at me.

Wilfred: "That's only when I'm with you, Regina."

Wilfred: "I'm different when it's somebody else."

Regina: "Oh..."

As while his words made me happy and they confused me a little bit as well.

Wilfred: "Shall we drink?"

I turned my head to look at him when he spoke.

Wilfred: "Our present from Lord Michel."

I looked down at the bottle of champagne at his mention of it.

Regina: "Oh, okay."

I made my voice intentionally happy as I answered. Prince Wilfred poured the champagne with practiced hands and he offered a glass to me.

Wilfred: "Here you are."

Regina: "Thank you."

We brought our glasses together and a chime ring throughout the room. I took a sip and the refreshing sweet taste spread through my mouth.

Be My Princess: Wilfred A. Spencer (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now