Secrets...(Chapter 4)

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Rin's POV:

"Sister? Are you there?" I said looking for my twin sister Luna.

There was silence for a while until Luna replied "Yeah I'm in here just give me a minute." from our room called "The Imagination Landscape".

I patiently waited outside the door of the room for my sister to come out. The imagination landscape was a room where the "host" of the room can imagine a landscape and do anything with it. They can even bring in npc's and real life people into your landscape. It was a great stress reliever and I came in there often to just relax and take a break from my duties.

"So what's the matter sister?" Luna asked as she left the room with the imagination landscape in it.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to know if you would like to visit the garden with me this afternoon." I lied because really I just wanted to check on her.

"Umm I guess taking a little stroll in the garden would be nice" replied my sister in a voice without much emotion.

"Oh yeah, what were doing in the imagination landscape?" I questioned my sister since she rarely used the room.

"Oh, I just wanted to experience what a normal day being a human in one of our creations was like since we observe them all the time but we don't get to experience life like them though" said Luna in a calm voice.

If it was someone else who was questioning her other than me, they wouldn't realize that slight nervousness in her voice that indicated that she was lying. I knew she was up to something but I didn't bother accusing her about doing something wrong without any solid evidence. Instead I just left and secretly decided to do some digging to see what she was up to. I headed to our multipurpose room where we keep our special mirrors.

I went up to my sister's black framed mirror and touched the white jewel at the bottom 2 times in a row to see my sister's recent search history. Of course dear Luna had no idea you could do this and I was planning on keeping it that way. I saw that she had been recently stalking people from the other worlds for some odd reason. I started getting suspicious so I decided to randomly check on one them and touched on the jewel one time to make the mirror ripple.

"Earth world, Emily Starlight" I said to the mirror.

The image in the mirror changed to the wonderful Yamoton region but a red bold text appeared on the screen saying "Person cannot be found here. Try again later or another dimension."

The mirror never malfunctioned before so I tried someone else and the same thing happened. Something was definitely up but she couldn't put my finger on it so decided to dig a little deeper. I went to my white framed mirror and opened it to reveal a series of buttons of all shapes and colors. I pressed a grey square button and a wall opposite to the door started to open up to reveal stone steps going deep underground with a plaque above the entrance with the word "Archives" engraved into it. I closed the mirror and I started ascending down
the stairs to the underground archives.

The archives held records of every human, creature, and monster ever to exist giving information of their date of birth, personality, and other information about them. I had made the archives to keep track with the progress of our creations when we first made them. I had enchanted it so every time someone is born,desisted, or did something memorable, it is automatically recorded into the on growing database. I had always planned to tell my sister about it but It was never seemed to be the right time so I never got the chance to.

After digging around in the archives for a good hour or so, I had found that every single person that my sister has stalked were born with some kind of amazing ability like being a genius at the age of 6 or super strength and etc. But what I found next would shock me for all of eternity.

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