I'm magic? (Chapter 11)

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I waited for impact of the canon ball towards me but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see what happened to find a magical translucent shield in the shape of a star floating in front of me with the canon ball that hit it below it. I moved my hands down and the shield dissolved until it was nothing but air.

"Umm was that me who that did that?" I asked shocked that I was still alive.

"Sh....sh.....she is a magic fairy?" the person who shot the canon stammered with fear. "B...but I thought they were extinct since the magic wars" He hurrying dashed into the forest without saying another word.

"I'm magic?" I asked again.

"In this world apparently so" Scarlet came out from hiding behind a tree. "I'm so sorry for not trying to step in and help. I just kind of froze in place. I'm so sorry. You could have been killed but I just stood there and watched..." she trailed off because she started sobbing. "I'm sorry" she said barely audible to us.

"It's fine. Let's just be happy we are alive. Ok?" I pulled her in for a tight hug. "How about you take the day off. You seemed really stressed with all that has happened to all of us. On the way here I saw some shops in town you might like. You can go there and we'll meet you in the town area at 7." I suggested knowing Scarlet loves shopping.

"Oh okay but I would feel bad just leaving you guys and not helping with the main objective and stuff" she stammered calming down a bit.

"It's fine don't worry." I pushed Scarlet toward the direction of the shopping area and then she hesitantly walked away leaving us alone.

"So why was that dark elf trying to kill you?" I turned towards Nick.

"You heard about the Elven wars, right? Well I'm technically a tree elf and the dark elves are trying to wipe out our tribe for this centuries old artifact or something" responded Nick.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yeah I forgot about that" I agreed. "I was wondering if you knew anywhere that I could practice my magic without destroying much." I curiously asked wanting to learn more about my new found magic.

"Well I saw a large clearing near the edge of the forest on my way here that might be big enough before I got attacked." He pointed towards the direction of the clearing.

When we got to the clearing he was talking about, I started to try to use my powers again but nothing I tried worked. Nick sat on the side and tired to be helpful by giving me more suggestions that still failed. It started getting dark after 2 hours and I still didn't have any luck with the magic. The full shining moon started rising above the horizon so I assumed it was almost time to meet Scarlet.

"So want to grab dinner at one of the restaurants near town?" Nick asked in a pleading voice. "Please, I'm starving since I didn't have any lunch and only had toast for breakfast.

"Yeah now that I think about it, I haven't eaten anything since I got here." My stomach rumbled as if it were agreeing with me as we walked along a plentiful river full of fish. "The problem is I don't have any money with me so you guys have to pay for me. Don't worry, I'll pay you back." I sheepishly said.

"Yeah about that, I don't have any money with me either so I guess Scarlet has to pay for us." He rubbed the back of his neck from embarrassment.

Suddenly a middle age mermaid swam our way along the river.


"Werewolf? In town?" That sounded familiar and then it hit me. I grabbed Nick by the seam of his cloak and frantically ran towards town in a panic.

(A/N): Ooooooooh suspense! Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it's short. Be sure to read the other chapters. Thanks and bai!

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