Familier yet different (Chapter 17)

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I was laying on a a soft patch of moss and the sun's warmth conforted me as I opened my eyes to see a bright cloudless sky. I got up and the first thing I see a large tree that I was leaning on surrounded by people who were peacefully sleeping just like I was before I woke up scattered all over the area. I instantly recognized all of them as my opponents but I couldn't find Scarlet or Nick.

Circling us was a plain off white fence. I reached out my hand to see if their was any sort of barrier around me only to find only air. I cautiously took a step forward and another step and another step until I concluded that I could walk around freely. I went over to the fence and tried to climb over it but their was a invisible barrier blocking me from going anywhere past the fence.

A few more people had woken up already and were wondering around the place like I was. I noticed one of tried to kick someone in the head only to find another invisible barrier preventing him from harming them. I eventually found Scarlet and Nick sleeping near one edge of the fence. I tried shook them both awake but it didn't work.

"Hey guys! Something weird is happening!" I said while still trying to wake them up.

Scarlet mumbled something that I couldn't quite understand and sat up still half asleep. Nick fully woke up and helped me wake up Scarlet. I told them what I discovered about the place and they just nodded in agreement. A few more minutes of waiting and then everyone was awake.

"Hello! I would just like to say sorry about everything my sister has done to all of you guys." said someone from the trees. I looked to see a blond haired girl tied up into twin buns with a float white dress sitting on a branch of the tree. "My name is Rin and I am the goddess of life and happiness. I'm going to get straight to the point and say I'm here to help you get out of this game. I fear what she has planed for you guys which is why I'm here to help. There are 3 relics I need you all to collect that can kill her since she is immortal. I'm going to pretend to team up with her and control which worlds you go to so you can get the relics in each world. The first one is a the gauntlet that could give any object you wish for. The second magical necklace that gives you luck.. The third is an hour glass that can turn back time. I wish you luck and I hope you can defeat her." The goddess disappeared from view and we all began to drop like flies. Same game, different purpose. I smiled at the thought.

Rin POV:

After my little "meeting" with the contestants I looked around for my sister. I found her in the room where the mirrors are furiously tapping on her mirror.

"Hello sister." I calmly stated while walking over to her. Luna cowered in fear of what happened after our last encounter but I continued to approach her. "I want to help you with your game"

"Y...you do?" she asked giving me a puzzled look.

"Yeah of course I do now what's wrong?"

"M...my mirror, it's not letting me view the contestants."

"Oh? I'll help you with that." I walked over to her mirror and teleported them to the first world with the relic. "All fixed but I had to teleport them to a different world to fix it." I lied to my sister.

"Thank you Rin I owe you one." exclaimed my sister with a small smile.

Dear, dear sister, don't thank me just yet. I'm going to probably regret this.

(A/N): This is the end everyone. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. be sure to vote for me for the Watty's 2018! I'll be starting to write the next sequel for Dimensions very soon and it's going to be better than the first. Anyways thank you and bai!

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