The Secret Civilazation Chapter 14)

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"Wha! We should have picked a better hiding spot!" I exclaimed as I realized we were surrounded on all sides by soldiers. " It's not you could magically transform into a wolf willingly at any moment!"

"Actually I can." corrected Scarlet.

"Since when!?!" I yelled back.

"Right now is not the time to discuss this I'll tell you later, after we escape if we even do." she said right before she transformed into a half wolf, half human creature she was before.

"Get on!" She growled in a low voice.

We got onto her back and she ran as fast as the Flash tearing through soldiers as if they were nothing. Some of them fired at her with these rifles that shot out orbs of magic but she didn't stop and impressively dodged them. We ran farther into the woods with the soldiers right on our tail. We started slowing down significantly after a few minutes.

"I can' this... much longer..." Scarlet collapsed on the ground and turned back to normal form.

"Scarlet! Scarlet! This is not the time to pass out! Wake up!" I yelled desperately shaking Scarlet by the shoulders knowing the soldiers were catching up to us.

"Psst. Over here." I looked to see where the voice was coming from only to find a large boulder.

"Am I losing it or did that boulder just talk." Nick whispered very loudly.

"I can hear you!! And I'm not a boulder you dummy! I'm the person below it!"

I looked to see a azure haired girl with pig tails looking at us under the boulder.

"Ahhhhhhh!" we yelled from surprise.

"Shut up and just come with me if you want to live. Oh yeah bring that friend of yours too." She pointed towards unconscious Scarlet.

We did question it and dragged Scarlet with us toward the boulder. The blue haired girl was standing on a rung of a rope ladder that seemed to have a never end as it descended to pitch black. The girl motioned us to follow her so we did. The rock closed behind us as soon as we got in the hole leaving us in the darkness. The girl switched on a flashlight and led us down the ladder. Nick had to carry Scarlet down the ladder himself since Scarlet was too heavy for me to carry myself. The hole was at least 60 feet deep and the ladder kept shaking every few seconds so I feared I would drop.

We all made it down safely into a plain circular room. There were four corridors leading out of the room outlined with a color. The blue haired girl led us down the corridor outlined with a sky blue color. The long hallway was lined with heavy iron doors with padlocks on them preventing any intruders to come in unless they know the code. We stopped at one of these doors and the girl pushed in a string of numbers to allow us entrance. The interior looked like a futuristic apartment you would only see in sci-fi time travel movies. In the corner of the room was a small but well equipped kitchen where a woman was washing some dishes at a sink.

"Hey Brooke." the girl said breaking the silence that was among since we entered the hole.

"Hi Kassy. You're back early..." The woman stopped herself as soon as she lay eyes on us and dropped the small plate she was holding and rushed over to the girl who was presumably named Kassy and tightly gripped her by the shoulders. "Kassy! Why the heck did you bring elves and a werewolf down here. Do you know how much trouble we are going to be in if the general finds out about this!"

"Sorry to disappoint you ma'am" I interjected. "But I'm a fairy." I took off my leafy cloak to reveal what was left of my shimmering wings.

"Oh my goodness! We are dead for sure!" the girl named Brooke exclaimed while panicking.

"Not to be rude but what race are you guys anyway?" said Nick.

"You don't know? I thought they taught you guys about us in school." Brooke looked at us with a confused look in her eyes.

"Sorry but we don't know. Who are you guys?" Nick asked again.

They looked gave a small nod at each other and said "We are humans."


(A/N): Sorry for the late posting today. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Bai!

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