Saved...ish (Chapter 9)

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"HEY STOP! PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" a seemingly normal male in a green camo uniform shouted at my attacker.

Kaito slowly lifted his head towards the man and annoyance spread across his face as he saw who they were. He put his hands up in the air in surrender.

The female who was wearing the same uniform as her partner walked up to Kaito and put some kind of thick vine around his wrist.

"Don't try to do any magic on us mister. These vines are super strong anti magic that will deflect any type of magic including potions." exclaimed the woman.

She guided him deep into the forest towards the area I was when I first spawned when I arrived at this dimension.

"Hello miss I am part of the Enchantia defense force in the werewolves department . Are you okay?" asked the man in the uniform.

"Yes I am thank you." I said hiding the nervousness in my voice knowing that my attacker would be back in the next world.

"Oh yeah I'm sorry to ask you this but do you mind if you come with me to the station for some questioning?"

"Oh no problem." I was hiding the twinge of annoyance in my voice with a small smile.

I followed him for what seemed to be at least an hour into a cave with the inside looking like a normal police station that I would find in Earth World. He took me into a room for questioning and told me to wait for bit. Twenty minutes had gone by with me by myself in the room and I started wondering if they forgotten about me. A girl with scarlet hair styled into a pony tail and a headband made with flowers entered the room reading off a clipboard while unintentionally holding a clipboard her face so I couldn't see what she looks like.

"I'm an intern here and they wanted me to ask you a few questions about what happened to you" said the girl in a bored voice.


She put down the clipboard to reveal she was indeed Scarlet. On top of that she had a blue crystal necklace that signifies that she was the Scarlet I'm looking for. But I noticed instead of her regular soft brown eyes, she had sharp brown eyes that make her look dangerous.

"Wow your a fairy Emily! That's amazing! But what happened to you?" She wouldn't stop blurted out more questions until I answered her.

I told her the story how my wing got hit by something and an opponent that first saved me was going to strangle me to death. She had to write this down for the station but left out the opponent part of course.

"So what's going on with you?" I asked.

"Well I'm suppose to be a werewolf so that means I turn uncontrollably into a wolf when there is a full moon. The problem is I can't control myself when I do turn into one in that moment. When I'm not in wolf form I can run incredibly fast. " she said in a know it all tone.

"How do you even know all of this?"

"Well there is a library around here and there a a lot history books to check out in it. I learned that there are 5 tribes in this world: fairies, mermaids, werewolves, tree elves, and dark elves. Currently tree elves and dark elves are in an elven war with each other for something." She grabbed her clip board and started towards the door. "You're free to go but meet me outside the station in ten minutes. I just need to hand this in."

I walked myself out of the station and just sat there thinking about what will become of us after the game if we even survive it.

"Okay I'm ready. " I heard Scarlet say from behind me. "Let's go eat at this really good café I found called the Acorn café. I'll pay for you since you probably forgot your wallet at you house." I sheepishly nodded and we started off towards the café. Half way there, we heard a loud bang just like I heard before I almost fell to my doom. We snuck behind a tree and saw a black haired person with pointy ears manning a canon pointed towards a clutter of trees. We looked up to see who the he was shooting at to find a tall male in a green cloak that covered most of his body including his face darting from tree to tree trying not to get hit by the canon balls.

" Are you just going to run you pitiful tree elf or are you going to actually attack me" taunted the black haired elf.

The seemed to get irritated you his remark and pulled out a dagger and jumped from the tree he was in. The hood of his cloak flew back to reveal his face. It was Nick! He was so focused on hitting his target that he did know that the canon was locked and loaded, ready to hit him. The black haired elf pulled a lever which triggered the canon ball to launch directly toward Nick.

I couldn't just stand to the side and let my friend get pulverized. The next thing I knew I was standing in front of Nick with my arms outstretched with my eyes closed trying to protect him and hopefully absorb some of the impact for myself.  The canon ball never came...

(A/N): Omg I'm so sorry about not posting yesterday. Since I didn't post yesterday, I'm posting this chapter and the first story of my new random short story series today. Be sure to check out it. Thanks for reading. Bai!

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