Full moon madness (Chapter 12)

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"Wait aren't we suppose to run away from the rampaging werewolf?" Nick was struggling to catch his breath from me dragging him towards town.

"That werewolf is Scarlet! We sent her to town to shop remember? And today is a full moon!" I momentarily paused to catch my breath. " We have to stop her from killing everyone in this world even if they are our opponents."

Now that Nick wasn't holding me back and willingly ran with me, we reached the town in a matter of seconds. Some buildings were torn to shreds and there was debris everywhere. Four bloody corpses were scattered on the ground.

"She did all of this?" Nick trembled with fear seeing what his friend was capable of doing. "But where is she?"

A dark shadow loomed over us and before we knew it, Nick was knocked onto the floor. Over him was what seemed to be a half human half wolf with crimson fur and a crystal necklace trying to claw out his throat. If it weren't for Nick's quick reflexes, he would be dead meat. He grabbed onto what we assumed to be Scarlet's wrist to temporarily restrain her from drawing blood from him. She kept thrashing despite the restraint and I knew Nick wasn't strong enough for her in this form and would eventually not be able to hold on any more.

All I could do was stand their horrified at the choice I was faced with. Stand by and let Nick get destroyed like everyone else around me or restrain Scarlet and potentially get myself killed and hurt her. Not to mention if I get killed that she'll go after Nick next. What should I do! I was now trembling and I just broke down.

" PLEASE STOP!" I desperately yelled as a last resort hoping they both come to their senses but instead I find them both of their limp bodies on the ground. On closer inspection they seemed to be sleeping. "Oh my gosh I did it again" I mumbled to myself.

"Thank you" someone weakly said a few feet away from me in an alleyway.

I cautiously walked toward the sound of the voice to find a barely alive little boy with messy strawberry blond hair hiding behind some crate with his head down. He was bleeding from his forehead and had a nasty gash on his right leg that oozed crimson liquid out.

"Are you okay?" I asked while carefully approaching the boy. I noticed he had a green necklace in the shape of an eye. I hesitated and instinctively backed away knowing who he was. He wasn't in any shape to fight much less than kill me. I began approaching him once more to inspect his wounds. He was a fairy just like me but his once elegant forest green butterfly like wings had been ripped to shreds. He was losing a lot of blood and at this rate, he would eventually die by morning if I didn't do something about it soon.

"Stay here and try not to move. I'm going to find something to stop all the bleeding for you. I'll be right back." I ran off to find some band aids or something in this now abandoned town to help him.

I came across a first aid kit in some type of convenience store a few buildings down from where the little boy was. I grabbed it and dashed at lightning speed. I treated his wounds as best as I can.

"I know who you are." He looked up for the first time since I've met him. "I recognize you from before we first got teleported to Altrium. You were on the platform next to mine." He said in a dull tone. I was surprised he could even remember such a thing in a that chaos.

"You're in no shape to kill me so don't bother trying. If you do I could easily destroy you ." I snapped back defensively in a cold tone.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." He started whimpering a little bit quickly stoped himself before he cried. "I'm not going to hurt you. After all you saved me!" He smiled for the first time since I met him.

I kept him company and talked to him for hours. I learned his name was Leo. His dream is to explore outer space if he made it out alive. It was kind of sad how this innocent boy that has done both wrong was thrown into this horrible game. I wish I could do anything to stop his likely fate but I can't. Eventually he fell asleep around one in the morning. I was also tired and I fell asleep.

"Hey! What are you doing with my son!" A unfamiliar female voice woke me from my sleep.

"Wha?" I mumbled. I opened my eyes to find a woman who I assumed to be Leo's mother.

"Don't play dumb with me girl! That is my son and you were going to kidnap him after you woke up!"

I couldn't believe the audacity of this woman to accuse me of such a thing. I was ready to strangle her when Leo woke up.

"Please don't kill her Mommy. She saved me." groggily mumbled Leo as he woke up.

"What! Why would I do such an unlawful thing!" answered the woman in shock of her sons accusation.

"She is one of the people we have to kill." said Leo who was now wide awake.

She shot me a look of disgust and said in a cold voice "Fine! But next time I will destroy you. No exceptions."

"Oh thank you mommy" said Leo as his mother dragged him away.

The starting to set in the distance. I decided to drag Nick and Scarlet from out in the open to the alley I was in. I fell asleep once again but I woke up from the sound of heavy footsteps as the sun was just rising. At first I thoughts it was Leo's mom coming back to destroy me but then I heard a man's voice.

"That werewolf did a lot of damage, huh?" said the voice carelessly.

"Focus on the task Albert! We came to find the werewolf and arrest them. Nothing more nothing less" replied the other voice.

That got my attention and I peeked out of the ally to find two guys in uniforms turning turning the corner coming towards closer to us. I couldn't let them get arrested! I grabbed the both of them and swung them over my shoulders. I could barely carry them with their combined weight so I put them down once more.

"Hey guys you have to wake up!" I shook them to hopefully wake them up.

"Five more minutes." They both muttered wanting to sleep more.

"We don't have time! The police people are after us!" They both seemed to spring awake as I said that. "The only chance we have is to climb these boxes and escape with the roofs without hopefully being seen."

"You want us to do what?" Scarlet said out of paranoia and surprise.

"No more questions we have to go!"

We ran on the roof and just as I thought we were going to get through this unscathed...

"Stop in the name of the law!"

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