The message...(Chapter 6)

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I had walked around the town aimlessly for what seemed to hours and I was getting tired so I decided to rest on a bench in a nearby park. I observed children carelessly playing on the playground and couples taking a stroll through the park on this crisp autumn day. At least I think it's autumn. Is it? I didn't even know anymore I just knew I wanted to find my friends and get out of this dimension. I saw two people taking a careless stroll that caught my attention. The girl had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. The thing that shocked me was she looked just like me but a little different. I didn't recognize the guy next to her though. I started walking up to them to start some sort conversation out of pure curiosity. I didn't even know what to say.

"Hello." I said in a small voice to my look a like.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" She replied back in a confused voice.

"Oh yeah let me introduce myself. My name is Fara." I replied remembering to stay in character.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Fara. My name is Scar-" she was cut off by the guy next to her thrusting his elbow into her side making her wince in pain.

"I mean my name is Emily" said the girl trying to cover up her slip up.

"Scarlet is that you?" I asked noticing her breaking character.


"Yeah it is and you're me?" I replied.

"Uhhhh yeah it's a long story. How bout we talk about everything over a smoothie in the smoothie shop.

"So I'm assuming that he's Nick." I said while pointing at the boy next to her.

"Yeah but in this universe he's called Aaron." she replied.

"Oh ok. Let's go!" I said dragging then towards the smoothie shop.

Almost immediately after that, we talked about our experiences waking up in other people's bodies and how our day has been so far.

"Are you kidding!" Scarlet yells as I tell her about how I encountered her dead counterpart.

"Yeah I actually though it was you at first and almost cried" I said leaving out that jerk who was supposed to be my boyfriend said.

"Do you know what this means? asks Scarlet in a frantic voice.

"Umm, some person that looked like you got murdered?" guesses Nick.

"No it means the game has begun." says Scarlet who was visibly shaking from fear. " So that means the murderer is one of our opponents and they thought that person was me and they recognized her and killed her." Her flesh started to turn a ghastly white and she passed out on the floor.

The next thing we knew, we were in an ambulance going to the hospital with Scarlet strapped onto a stretcher. When we got to the hospital the doctors asked us if we knew the reason she passed out. We just lied and said no. Fifteen minutes later that felt like eternity, Scarlet got out of the emergency room with no major injuries. A doctor instructed her to take some type of medication for a week for her headache to go away faster but me and Nick both knew that she hated medicine so she probably wouldn't take it.

"I'm so happy your okay!" exclaimed Nick while hugging Scarlet tightly in relief that she was ok.

I just stood awkwardly to the side observing them until they they pulled away from each other both of them flustered and blushing.

"So we need a plan to win this game or else we'll be as good as dead. So does anyone got one?" I said trying to break the tension that was forming between them.

"I don't know" replied Scarlet.

"Yeah me neither" said Nick.

"Well I was thinking that we could try to wait until everyone kills everyone else off and then we could go for the kill. Of course if someone tries to murder us then we kill them." I said with a smirk while my friends stared at me in shock.

"When did you get so morbid!?!" asked Nick.

I just shrugged in response leaving my friends dumbfounded.

We found a fancy hotel we could stay at for the night and just told our supposed caretakers that we were staying at a friend's place for a few days since we didn't know how long we would be in this world for. Surprisingly they didn't question us and just told us to stay safe and not get into trouble. The hotel room was spacious and had 3 bedrooms, a furnished kitchen, and a living room to watch T.V. in. We were fortunate enough to have enough money to pay for the hotel room since I was technically rich.

The next day was a gloomy day full of lightning, thunder, and plenty of rain. I was just sitting around watching the news as the reporter was talking about the recent murder that had happened yesterday but suddenly the T.V. started flickering on and off again. I was about to turn off the T.V assuming that it was just because of a weak signal. Suddenly a girl with black wavy hair and a hint of a smirk on her lips appeared on the screen. I instantly recognized her as the goddess of death. The person who forced us into this game.

"Hello contestants. From now on everyday at nine o'clock in the morning, I will be informing you of how many people are left in the game and other news you need to know. So far no contestant has died yet but in other news, you will be transported to a new dimension and a new body every 3 days." said the goddess of death in a menacing voice that sent chills up my spine.

"Currently is day two in this world and since I'm so nice, I have decided to provide you with special necklaces with your team symbol on it to make it easier for you to find your team members in every dimension you go to. Don't worry about losing it because it will always come back to you. This could benefit you or hurt you depending on how you use it. Anyways good luck and good bye." she said in a sweet voice which somehow made her seemed 10 times more menacing. And then the T.V. shut off.

During that long announcement from the goddess of death I observed she was in a plain grey room with a white framed mirror behind her hanging on a wall and a low table. I was hoping that this info would give me some information about her weaknesses, strengths, and possibly where she was but no luck. I looked down to find a light blue crystal necklace hanging from a golden chain on my neck. How did that get there! My thoughts were interrupted by Nick and Scarlet entering the room who were also wearing their new identical necklaces.

"Did you see that message too Emily?" asks Scarlet.

"Yeah it was on the T.V. for me" I said still in a dazed state from thinking before.

"It was on the microwave for us while we were warming up some bacon and Scarlet thought she broke it and started panicking. You should have seen it." said Nick while attempting to hold in a laugh but he eventually burst out out laughing.

"SHUT UP! It wasn't that funny!" yelled Scarlet while blushing uncontrollably from embarrassment.

Me and Nick laughed at her sudden burst of embarrassment until our cheeks started to hurt.

"Haha very funny can we just go eat now I'm starving." said Scarlet trying to change the topic.

"Okay fine let's go eat" I said.

We were in the middle of eating our scrambled eggs and bacon in the kitchen when we heard a faint knock on the door.

(A/N): Hello I'm sorry for such a long chapter I just had a lot on my mind to write about. Anyways I've decided I'm going to try to keep my chapters between 700-1600 words. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Bai

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