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Seven different men in plain black uniforms stormed into the apartment and kicked the door of its hinges causing Brooke to jump to the side to avoid the impact of the door.

"WHAT THE HECK! I WAS ABOUT TO OPEN THE DOOR! YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" Brooke yelled at the people who were now scouring the rooms looking for us. "WHY THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS EVEN HERE ANYWAY!??" Brooke lied convincingly.

"We got reports of 3 mysterious figures came into this apartment led by who we believe some relative of yours." said one soldier who stopped investigating the apartment to explain to her but quickly went back to work when he was done.


Now you are probably wondering where I am exactly in all of this, well I'm currently hanging onto the ceiling light not daring to breath and hoping no one notices me up here. A person was looking around right below me and I clung onto the ceiling light tighter even though I felt the light burning my hands. They tore through every room like ruthless predators looking for prey but luckily they didn't find Scarlet who I didn't even know where she was.

"Well it looks like your right ma'am. Sorry for the disturbance." Polity said one of the younger men after they finished their search with no avail.

They started making a beeline out the no longer standing door with no remorse what so ever on their face that they just messed up someone's house. Once we were sure the soldiers were no where to be seen, we got out of our hiding spots and gathered to the now destroyed living room/kitchen.

"I feel like this world is trying to kill me." I said exhaustedly looking at my red sore hands.

"Yeah same here!" agreed Scarlet.

"Where did you even hide without getting noticed?!!" I inquired.

"I just turned into wolf form and pretended to be a pet. To hide my eyes I just pretended to be sleeping so they didn't question it." explained Scarlet causally as if it were nothing.

We started cleaning up and fixing as much as we could to make it look decent. We got almost everything except a few small details but then there was the door..... It was completely knocked down off it's hinges and we couldn't get it back on. Even if we were able to, we would have to wire it to the control panel which we had no idea what to do. Instead we just put a spare mattress from a guest bedroom in its place until they could get someone to fix the door. We rested on the now pretty torn up couch just sitting there in silence because we were all so exhausted.

"Hey what happened to the.....door." We heard the temporary door(mattress) slam on the ground and turned around to find Nick and Kassy in the doorway staring at us with a confused look.

"I'll explain it after dinner. But first can someone please pick up some take out to eat?" pleaded Brooke who was now falling asleep on the couch.

"I'll go with you!" I said hoping to explore this secret civilization.

"Fine! But do something to cover your wings!" Kassy annoyingly exclaimed

We went to the circular room again but this time we went to the the red door which led to a giant food court. We ordered what seemed to be the equivalent Chinese take out in this world but I couldn't really tell since the it was in a completely different writing language which was native to this world that I couldn't read. We arrived back in 10 minutes to find Brooke still asleep on the couch and Scarlet and Nick happily talking to each other at the table.

"Here's the food!" I excitedly chimed in as I put the food on the table.

"Shouldn't we wait for Brooke to eat with us?" Scarlet asks.

"Naw! By the time she wakes up, it'll be tomorrow morning and I can NOT last that long without eating. We'll just leave the leftovers in the fridge for her when she wakes up."

We didn't question it and started feasting on the food. I noticed that I started feeling really weird like I could pass out but the problem was this feeling was all too familiar. I just ignored it and continued eating until I couldn't take it anymore and I had to lay down. Thoughts swarmed in my head of what could be happening to me. Maybe I caught a cold. Maybe this is just some standard food poisoning. As I continued to think I realized where I recognized this wooziness before. No that can't be it! We still have another day! Those were my last thoughts before slumber overtook me.

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