The wonderful and totally not deadly Enchantia (Chapter 8)

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The digital clock in my room read 10:37 p.m. I should have fallen asleep more than an hour ago but I just couldn't. Tonight was the night we would get transported to the next dimension. I couldn't stop wondering what it was going to be and was so excited. Then I thought of how many people live's we would have to take to make out of this alive and my mood automatically shifted. I got out of my bed and decided to go over to the kitchen to see if I could get a late night snack. I opened the door and started walking over to the kitchen like a zombie and I almost didn't notice Scarlet and Nick in the living room.

"Hey Emily. You couldn't sleep too?" asked Nick.

"Yeah I couldn't. Do you mind if I join you you guys?"

Scarlet and Nick on the couch watching some type of movie eating a bag of popcorn.

"Ughhhhh!" Groaned Nick in annoyance as I sat down.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"This stupid necklace is so itchy. I tried throwing it out earlier but when it just appeared back on my neck! I also tried burning it with the stove but it couldn't seem catch on fire. Is this necklace indestructible or something because I can't seem to get rid of it!" Nick complained while shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

The rest of the night we spent watching the movie together while binging on snacks. It was 12 o'clock when it happened. We all started to feel really tired. I knew it was almost time to get transported to a new dimension but I didn't want to lose them again so I tried to stay awake until sleep finally took over me and I blacked out.

The bright golden rays of the sun slipped through the crack of the window to hit me directly in the eyes. I couldn't take it anymore so I hesitantly got out of the bed I was sleeping in and observed the room. It was small and seemed to be made out of bamboo stalks with large leaves over it to make a roof. Other than a bed, there was a dresser with a mirror door, a table with a set of chairs, and a small bathroom shoved in the corner of the hut. I went up to the mirror to check who I was now. To my surprise I was myself but I had elegant translucent wings on my back. The left one was a pale purple while the other wing was teal. I grabbed a pretty plain white dress with ruffles at the end to wear for the day which was a pain in the neck to get on because of the wings. I went into the bathroom and got ready like I regularly did on a normal day.

I was about to step out of my room but then I saw their wasn't any ground below me. I jumped back from the ledge since I was scared to fall and kill myself. But then I remembered: I have wings! I tried opening them up from their relaxed state but it didn't seem to work. After much trial and error I finally figured out how to fly. I stood on the edge of my hut and started opening my wings and jumped. I closed my eyes and prayed I would land safely. After about what seemed to be eternity, I safely landed on the ground. I looked up to see how far I had dropped to find a giant tree that had huts like the one I came out of on every one of its branches. The tree next to it how ever was two times bigger and had golden leaves. Instead of huts on each of the branches, their were fancy restaurants and other commercial buildings. On the top in the canopy their was a giant palace like building that foreshadowed everything below it.

Around me were shops and stalls selling a assortment of items. Behind them were lots of trees. Some of them were tiny and only held one hut while the bigger ones like mine held many huts. I looked around for a bit and saw a large lake. I looked into it and saw beautiful mermaids with long colorful fish tails. I looked to see if I could spot my friends as a mermaid or mermen but no avail. I decided to fly around for a bit to get use to my wings while also exploring the area. I went up high and observed that the area was basically a giant forest. The tree that held the palace I saw earlier was the tallest tree in the area and was the center of the forest.


Something had hit my right wing causing it to tear off and knocked me out of the sky. I tried to flap what was left of my wings to slow down the fall but it didn't work.

"AAAAAAAAAAH" I screamed as the ground started getting closer and closer which meant I was getting near my certain doom.

I squeezed my eyes shut preparing myself as I was about to hit a tree branch but the moment never came as I felt someone catch me right when I was about hit the branch. I opened my eyes to find a dark blue haired male with pointy ears and dark brown eyes. He was rushing from branch to branch seeming to be running away from something as he carried me to safety. He suddenly jumped towards the ground and set me down on the grassy floor and started casually checking my wing while running his fingers through his hair.

"Umm, thanks Mr...."

"Please just call me Kaito. Now, are you okay?" asked the rescuer.

"Other than my wing, I'm perfectly fine thanks to you." I replied gratefully.

My eyes the wandered down to his neck for some reason. I saw a bit of a necklace poking out of the collar of his armor.

"Hey can I see that necklace your wearing?" I asked hiding my actual intentions with a light hearted voice and a smile.

"Oh ummm this old thing?" He pulled out a simple black wired necklace with a navy blue dragon pendent hanging from it. " My mom's... dad's...cousin gave it to me for my birthday. That's believable, right?" Kaito hastily exclaimed while unknowingly shifting his weight from side to side.

Even though I'm not some kind of mind reader, I knew that he was lying. To test my theory I yanked the boy's necklace off and threw it as far as I could into the woods.

"Wait! What the heck did you do that for!?!" Kaito angrily exclaimed.

As I looked back at where I yanked the necklace off him before, and just as I predicted it was there again. I started to back up slowly away from him.

"Wait I can explain..." His thought was cut short as he realized why I did that. "Your one of the people I have to kill, aren't you?" His tone drastically changed from carefree to serious and creepy. " I should have let you just fall and die and let gravity do the bloody work for me." he remarked.

I quickly analyzed that the best escape route would be jumping from tree to tree even though it's a little risky. I grabbed onto a tree branch to pull myself when he grabbed the collar of my dress and pulled me away. He put his hands around my neck and started strangling me with almost unnoticeable tears of regret in his eyes. Our necklaces started glowing and Kaito loosened the grip on my neck in surprise. I then heard a familiar voice.

"Hello contestants. It's nine o'clock so it's time for you to catch you guys up on things. Only contestants can hear me right now so don't worry about people wondering what that voice is. Yesterday team crystal got the first kill in the game. Their are now only two members remaining on team red hawk. You are now in Enchantia. Home of everything magical or mystical. I was gracious enough to let you be in your counter part's bodies so enjoy it while it last. Anyway be careful. Good bye." With that the goddess signed off and our necklaces stoped glowing.

Kaito snapped out of his distracted state and continued to strangle me as I used my last breaths to try scream for help. My eyesight started turning black around the edges signaling that it was near the end.

(A/N): Hello readers! Be sure you check out all my other chapters if you enjoyed this one. Sorry there wasn't that much action in this chapter but I'll try to make the next chapter more exciting. Well thanks for reading. Bai!

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