Reality (Chapter 5)

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A groan escaped my mouth as I felt someone trying to shake me awake.

"Fara! Wake up!" yelled the unfamiliar person shaking me awake.

Fara? She's the shy, quiet girl that was assigned to be my lab partner for the year in science class. Who the heck was calling me Fara?!! We don't even look alike. And why is my head pounding like sledgehammer was having a hammering session in my brain?

"Come on darling your going to be late to your date with your boyfriend Mike." said the unfamiliar person.

I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around and found myself in a huge modern bedroom that was almost as big as the entire first floor of my house. I looked over to a older woman who could easily pass as a mother getting ready to leave the room I was in.

"Umm, who are you?" I asked the woman.

"You know better than to play mind games with your dear auntie. Now get dressed because the cooks are almost done making breakfast and I know you hate eating your meal cold so you better hurry." Scolded the woman who claims to be my aunt in a commanding voice.

I decided not to go against the older woman and went into the bathroom which was connected to the room I was in. I looked into the mirror and staring back at me was a person that wasn't me. She had light brown wavy hair with golden highlights , dark blue eyes, and golden brown skin you could only get in a tanning salon. I guess she kind of looked like Fara except for the tan skin and golden highlights in her hair.

Then it dawned on me..... WHO THE HECKS BODY AM I IN AND WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED FOR ME TO BE IN SOMEONE I BARELY KNOW'S BODY!!?!?!?!!? I was panicking and my brain automatically assumed this was all just a dream so I calmed down and I decided to go along with it. I was so excited and tempted to start controlling the dream but I wanted to see where it took me. Besides, it was just a dream! What was the worst that could happen. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and got a dress from the overflowing walk in closet attached to the room. I went downstairs to eat a huge breakfast in the giant room which was the dining/ball room.

"So does your head feel better today Fara?" asks the woman that was in my room before.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you were complaining yesterday night that you had a terrible headache" replied the woman

"Oh yeah I forgot" I said deciding to play along.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast. The limousine will be here soon to pick you up and you don't want to be late for your special date." said the woman.

The limo finally arrived 10 minutes after I finished eating. I grabbed my already packed purse and headed towards the limo. When I got into the limo I was surprised to find that inside were long couch like seats on either side of the limo that could easily seat 8 people, a cabinet full of candy and other snacks, and a huge flatscreen t.v. Wow this is ten times fancier than Scarlet's limo!

I began stuffing my face with candy and scrolling through every channel there was on the t.v. until I was interrupted by the car door opening.

"We have arrived at our destination young master." said the driver holding open the door.

As soon as I stepped out of the car onto the pavement, the limo skidded away without another word from the driver. On closer inspection I realized the building a ginormous fancy restaurant that said The Altrium café on a sign above the revolving doors. It dawned to me that I probably wouldn't be able to a single thing at this restaurant but I remembered that I was in some rich kid's body and I could do whatever I want with it. I went into the fancy dim lite restaurant to be greeted by a boy who was waving his hand to signaling me come over and join him. He had blond hair and a smile that can make almost any girl swoon so I assumed he was Mike.

"Hello babe happy two month anniversary" said the boy to me while giving a small teddy bear to me.

I was flustered because I had never had a boyfriend before but then I remembered that this was just a dream so I just sweetly apologized "Oh my, I totally forgot about our 2 month anniversary today. I'm so sorry I didn't get you anything."

"It's okay. Just being in your company is enough for me. Plus, you chose the place and you said you were going to pay for us so no worries" the boy said calmly said in a relaxed voice.

We started to look at the menu of over priced food items to see what to order. WHAT! A simple salad cost more than 5 whole premium pizzas from the fanciest pizza shop in Yamoton! I finally decided to order a ceaser salad toped with grilled chicken and fresh shredded parmesan cheese. The waiter came over and asks us what we would like.

"I would like a ceaser salad with parmesan cheese and kobe beef please." I said to the waiter.

The blond haired boy looked at me with a bewildering look. "Aren't you a vegetarian?" he asks.

"Oh yeah I am!" I said trying to cover up my slip up and reordered my salad without chicken this time.

After that, their was an awkward silence between but finally our drinks arrived to the table. I had ordered some simple green tea but the guy ordered a giant Shirley temple with extra cherries. The tension between us was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

To end the awkwardness between between us I decidedly ask him "Do you know why this restaurant is called The Atrium Café?"

"I heard that it's supposed to be the best restaurant in the entire world so they named it in honer of the world we live in." he replied with a bored expression on his face.

Altrium? That can't be right! We lived on Earthworld! Unless..... no that can't be possible. Could it? I pushed the absurd idea and slight memory that was forming out of my mind and focused back to my "date".

There was then a bloodcurdling almost inhuman scream coming from a few buildings down in front of where the nightclub was located. Me and Mike ran over to check if everything was okay but when we got to the scene where the scream came from, there was already a crowd of people. We pushed through to find a familiar girl laying on the ground with a knife sticking out of throat. There was a small pool of blood around her and some even splattered on the walls of the nightclub. That girl was my best friend, Scarlet. I mean I thought this was a dream but this felt so real!

To my relief the girl didn't exactly look like her. She had short hair styled into a pixie cut with thick rimed glasses. Even though I knew it wasn't her, I still felt tears forming in my eyes looking at the limp and lifeless body that was my best friend's counterpart in a pool of her own blood.

"Psst, she was an idiot dork anyway" Mike scoffed in a cold tone.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I yelled at the cold inconsiderate brunette while tears threatened to topple out of my eyes.

"Wait.." I didn't even wait for a response as I stormed away from him. I didn't even know where I was going. I just kept walking aimlessly by myself with me and my thoughts.

I slapped my cheek to hopefully wake myself up like I usually do when I have a bad dream but nothing happened. And then it dawned to me, this couldn't be a dream! If I was I would have been able to wake up by now. This alternate dimension was real and so was the morbid game I was forced to play. It was all real!

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