chapter two

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The rest of my day was spent listening to teenagers discuss how their "friend" is definitely hooking up with one of their ex's, a couple old ladies asking me for the trendiest brands for their grandchild or themselves and a couple guys trying to blend in or stand out. Living in the small town meant everyone knew everybody or at least 80%. Abby was working hard like always, recommending products and giving tutorials; all while holding back the excitement of telling the customers I'll be attending the elite college.

Having the love and respect from the town was surely all I needed but with my future in mind, it would be silly to pass up the offer. As the day dragged on it was time for Abby's break and my makeup demonstration on a "lucky" customer.

I had a fond love for little old ladies who came in to feel young again with the products on the shelves. So, without seeming too obvious I selected an elderly woman with clearly defined scaring from falls. Selecting the concealer for her skin tone and deciding the look for her, the artist began to paint with his palette. This attracted the usual crowd and Abby doing her little sales pitch, it felt heavenly to share my skills every day. Soon enough the day came to a close, both my shoes coated in powder from an accidental mishap from a customer and my hair no longer working its volume.

To say the least, it was definitely a long day. "So, I'm coming over to help you pack, better have some form of alcohol there for me " Abby exclaimed, picking up her bag and leaving the shop.

<switching to the third person>

Luke followed behind Abby admiring the soft summer glow that radiates off her dark complexion and the yellow summers dress she wore. If beauty was defined with a single word it would be Abby. Both Luke and Abby grew as people together. While only meeting in high school, the pair were inseparable in a very platonic way. However, both had tried things out together but mutually agreed they've been into the same gender as themselves since forever. To say the least, they've been through a lot and although Abby seems excited and ready to take over, Luke knew this was otherwise. " Hey Abby, slow down" this only made the beautiful girl quicken her steps, almost having Luke run after her. Once the tall blonde caught up to the angelic girl, the image of tears streamed down her face. Realisation washed over Luke and he knew now that Abby's strong front was just a wall built between her and others. " Abby, what's wrong " Luke inquired, trying to catch his breath and shakingly looking at her. Both the young adults stood in complete silence, which didn't aid the progression of understanding between the pair. Finally, Abby spoke up with a light kick against Luke's shin "think deeply Lucas, you're about to fly to London and I won't have you here. I'm gonna miss you". Before she could continue Luke wrapped his arms around her, slowly rocking them back and forth. Once Abby calmed down, they exchanged thoughts and feelings, some yelling and more crying. 

" I'm sorry Abby, but this means a lot to me. I could always face-time you. ".. "ok". Turns out, this was the last conversation the pair exchanged before ending up parting ways. No late night hang-out.

-The Next Morning- ( back to Luke pov )

5 am on the dot, my alarm went off and while my alarm was blearing the silence of my house with the annoying beeping; my heart had sunk. Within 4 hours I'll be on a plane flying to London and pursuing my dream. Automatically, I began checking over my list of essentials and my backpack that had my laptop and other essentials for the plane trip. The only thing missing was my best friend waiting at the door, rather knocking loudly and holding a bag of marshmallows with my name on it for our camping trips. However, this whole situation must be a shock to her system but in the least selfish way possible, I'm the one who is more nervous. Another country, another way of living and the only chance to get into an after-program for the elites. The last question left was; what do I wear? In the end, an oversized navy cardigan and faded grey jeans with platform white converses was the "show-stopping" outfit. To top it off I added some black clips to hold back my curls and with that, I took my two bags towards the Uber waiting outside. Everything was moving so fast, that before I could process the faded song on the radio, the tall walls of the airport came into view. There stood a group of pristine men and women checking off some sort of a list. Without having to guess, that was the representatives of the college in London. Hopefully, I'm not the last to arrive that would be insanely embarrassing. As my bags were being lifted out of the Uber guy's boot my phone vibrated in my pocket, my heart skipped a beat hoping it was Abby but was only met with a candy crush notification.  I suppose giving her time to heal is necessary but it's hard knowing I'm about to board a plane to my dream and my best friend isn't here to say goodbye.

" This way sir, thank you for riding with Uber".

<Time Skip since airports are hecka boring about checking in>

" So, who are you meant to be? " A tall young woman spoke with streaks of gold through her noir hair. Behind her sat a tired looking boy with colourful hair himself slowly swaying to the music and trying to keep himself awake at the same time. They both appeared to have been waiting here for awhile because of the way they were sitting. All slumped and half asleep. " I'm Luke, it's lovely to meet you guys, what might your names be?" The girl let out a brief chuckle and nudged the colourful boy, " this is Micheal, I'm Cindy and we're just workers at your local shopping centre beauty salon" Micheal nodded and it gave me some assurance I wasn't the only none big business employee or boss wanting this chance. The three of us continued to chat until, the people from earlier wearing suits more expensive then my house began calling names with seat and row number. " Cindy F, row 3 seat 6..." and eventually H " Luke Hemmings row 7 seat 2".

Once boarded I waited with bated breathe for who will be sitting next to me for the long flight. Soon enough a pair of glossy high boots appeared and the owner of these boots sat down, ignoring my existence. " hey, I'm luke " trying to engage in some sort of conversation with them, " oh, hi sorry. " they then removed their glasses and revealed faded eyes. Turns out their name was April and she had vision impairments but designing clothing has always been her passion. She was truly inspiring to listen to, I hope she goes far honestly. "Oh god, move over cheap bratz doll" the voice of tall and beautiful girl snapped. April quickly moved over into her own seat and the other girl sat down. The tension in the air was crazy but that's only the start of this wild experience.

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