chapter thirteen

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It was now half-way through the internship at the prestigious fashion and beauty school. Luke had somehow remained in the competition, but only due to his talent not his devotion. Michael had been eliminated the previous week but remained on campus to support his friends. Everything was going fine, but the lingering feeling of something going wrong remained.

Charlie continued to watch over Luke, and his demeanour shifting continuously. It was as though the Luke who was ready to show off the talent of his little town; and his bubbly personality had completely disappeared. Even Luke's model had enough of him, and everyone grew tired of Luke's clear lack of interest.

Both Luke and Charlie were in the room. Neither speaking but the silence spoke a million words. Luke lay shirtless, with bruises covering his body, and usually the boy would cover them with his colour correcting blushes and foundations. It certainly puzzled the special effects style of makeup boy, as to why Luke looked so beaten up.

" Hey Charlie, I've gotta go meet Ashton." But this time Charlie decided to step up. " No Luke, stay here, I need to talk with you- and before you preach about me not giving you space; I really need this". As expected the blonde boy looked annoyed, but clearly anxious as he began to pick at the skin above his gold painted nails. Reluctantly, Luke nodded his head and sat beside Charlie, motioning him to talk.

" Alright, first off; I'm keeping you behind because I care immensely about you Luke. But you need a reality check for real". This earned a unpleasant grunt and eye roll from the stubborn blonde; but didn't say anything to stop the obvious rant. " You came here to get the opportunity of a lifetime to work with the elite industry. You could take your small shop and make everyone, everywhere enjoy your talent but you're throwing it away for some guy".

And as love festers a false belief in the innocent, Luke shot back at Charlie; " You're just jealous ".

Oh how love blinds people from evil.

" No I'm jealous of your ability to care so little about this; while I work hard and do my best; you're riding off talent not hard work. So, before you claim jealously, why don't you look at yourself. You're so blindly in love, that you're prepared to drown for it." Before Luke could add his two cents in, Charlie continued this time standing above Luke. Figuratively becoming the one with greater power and no longer fearful of the lost boy. " you're the blind mice to this story Luke, you're throwing away a future for a man. This so called man who's leaving gashes and bruises on you..for what? Sex? Get over yourself Luke Hemmings, and come back to reality, or go the fùck home and let someone who got eliminated like Michael to take your place; you are sure not using it". And with that, Charlie got up, quickly screamed into his pillow and stormed off.

While Charlie felt like he had gotten through to Luke, that wasn't the case. Once the boy had left, Ashton came up from the window with a text from Luke saying he's alone. And within seconds, the pair began to fool around.

* Slight Smut *
With Ashton's hands running up the side of Luke's body; Luke had already began to drown deep into desire. His love wasn't blind, but love lead to blindness for the both of them. Slowly, Luke's fingertips trailed along Ashton's erect penis, with his mouth ghosting over the tip. Ashton muttered encouraging words to the love sick blonde, who had now wrapped his lips around the base, and began to slowly slide down the length of Ashton's dick; swiftly sucking in air through his nose; as the full length of the erection had entered Luke's mouth. Ashton grabbed tightly the curls falling all over Luke's head, pulling it hard. " You are mine, remember that; I'm not changing for you", Ashton muttered before pushing Luke away, and swiftly turning the boy over and pounding into him with brute force. The way both of them liked it. Rough and fast. Both boys had drowned; but in different ways. Ashton allowed himself to release all over Luke, but forbidden the young boy from it. It was a little game of power they played; but one was the pawn and the other was the player.

* end of smut *

As the evening set, a letter was presented with the words " expelled " written all over it.


I hope you guys are well x
I'm finally back and it's short but I wanted to get it done and back

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