chapter twelve

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Sorry for the delay but oopsie uni has been once again serving my ass!

--I'm coming back with a sad chapter oopsie ;)

( probably full of grammar mistakes but I feel bad taking so long soo enjoy!)

Quietly Luke began sneaking back to his room the same way he exited and was met with a pair of hands to pull him in. There stood Charlie looking at him like he was filth; Luke being too blissed and landing on cloud nine, still feeling Ashton's touch all over his body; had no need to pay attention to Charlie quietly screaming at him. "Luke, where the fu(ck) were you? We have class in the morning and you're outside being boned!" Luke chuckled and ran his fingers through his sex-crazed hair, "you wanna know who? because my ass can still feel their mouth down there and I'm ready for another round". The two boys stood eye-to-eye, one with a concerned expression and the other full of lingering lust.

"What happened Luke? Who was it" Charlie quietly spoke, trying to reach out to Luke and keep him still, but Luke wouldn't stop giggling and pointing to his lips. " I'll tell you, but it's a secret" the blonde boy spoke with a hint of craze and aggression, before pulling the shorter boy closer. "Ashton, my god did this" Luke spoke with his lips lingering near Charlie's ears, with the clear intention to make the shorter boy cry or pick up on the sharp tone leaving the blonde boys lips.

Before Charlie could inquire further, Luke waved him off and jumped into the bathroom to wash himself off. As the fading innocent boy washed himself, Charlie stood completely still and looked out the window to see Ashton walking off into the distance. There was no surprise that Ashton would have Luke wrapped around his finger, he knew this feeling all too well. To Charlie, Ashton was poison but to Luke he was the elixir that heals.

It wasn't right that this small town boy was getting involved with the likes of Ashton and his family name deriving from The Madam Christen, the woman holding Luke's fate and his own.

This wasn't the boy Charlie had met on the bus weeks ago, and as Luke's roommate, Charlie knew that he had to reach out to the old Luke. The sweet and timid Luke who just wanted to exhibit the talent he's self taught throughout the years. And ultimately make it somewhere in life, besides the small shop he and his best mate owned.

Even though Charlie was abrupt with Luke, it did not mean he didn't pay attention to Luke. He knew about the failed attempts to contact his mate, he knew Luke was lonely and this is what concerns Charlie the most.

Does Luke actually like Ashton or is it the loneliness that's allowing him to become the puppet in Ashton's potential horror show? Simply because Luke equiped the love of his "golden god", is that healthy to view a mer man as his god.

As Charlie continued to ponder the Luke situation, the sound of ringing began. While Luke was showering, Charlie rushed over and saw a photo with a beautiful woman calling.

It didn't take much thought to assume that it was Luke's best friend; as his lock screen was the pair. Without thinking Charlie picked up the phone.

"Hello?" - Charlie
"Yeah hi, where is Luke?"- Abby

Charlie licked his lips and looked nervously at the door of the bathroom. " he's currently washing himself, should I ask him to give you a call back?" The nervous boy tried to ask. But the line went dead and saw that the call had ended. However instead of a voice, Charlie heard a ringtone and saw that Abby had messaged Luke that they need to talk.

As the door opened to the bathroom, Charlie had clicked closed Luke's phone without realising he had completely deleted the message from Abby. Almost as though there was no message in the first place.

Luke slowly swayed over like a beginner level ballerina in a soft looking towel and sandals.  It was a look. As Luke approached Charlie, he took no notice to the fact that Charlie had his phone, but took it off him like this wasn't an issue.

Once both boys were set in bed, it didn't take long for either of them to fall fast asleep. One dreamt of a prince and the other dreamt of betrayal; and who dreamt of which? It wasn't the boy deeply in love with his god who dreamt of princes.

—-morning in class
The class had now become less than half the original students after just one round. It was for sure strict and was no joke this place has the reputation for being ruthless. As the teacher spoke, Luke found himself scribbling Ashton's name and his together. They were in unison, equals. However, that's what the blonde boy thought.

On the other side of the street, Ashton and his gym pal Calum were working out together; building up a sweat and benching each other. Calum knowing Ashton for a long time had a hunch that something was playing on his mates mind.

As the pair finished the set,
Calum beckoned his mate aside. It was another way of cooling down from their set. " Ashton, dude. What's troubling you?" but Ashton brushed aside the question, with a smile and a thumbs up. However, Calum wasn't having this, not this time. Therefore, the tanned lad asked again; and again until Ashton caved in.

" I think the boy, is catching feelings for me, deep ones" but this comment caught Calum off guard because he had thought Charlie and Ashton weren't a thing. " You're back with Charlie?" Calum asked, earning a groan from his friend. " Not that crybaby, the needy blonde boy " and it clicked in Calum's head.

" The kid that run up to you as you were talking to your mum?" Ashton snickered with a nod, and took a packet of cigarettes out of his bag. " Spot on mate, just another toy to me". Deep down Ashton felt the pain in his chest saying these things, but he can't be attached to Luke, he's just another person to his list of boys he'll break the hearts of.

Another black heart to his arm.

Sooo hi guys,
I would of updated this sooner but I'm stupid and thought I had posted it... I actually spoke to my friend and said " why is no one liking chapter 12??" Which she then told me " because there isn't one?" And oh yeah ok stupid me.

anyway, hope you enjoyed the update x

Now you know what the tattoos on Ashton's arms mean (:

Oopsie daisy!

Thoughts on Luke? Charlie? ASHTON? or anyone?

See you soon guys! X

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