chapter four

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Upon arriving back to dorm-room, the sounds of grunting and groaning were emerging at a high velocity. Without knocking, Luke charged into the room to catch his 'friendly' roommate watching some superhero movie. " oh, hey Luke. These two punkish looking folks came past asking for you". Luke nodded and figured it was Cindy and Micheal, whom equally shared the edgier aesthetic than himself. However, finding out why the pair came past was the last thing on Luke's mind, the burning question in Luke's brain was why is Charlie acting like a total touché toddler, and maybe also, what the name of the gym guy was. However, Luke decided to just let it pass as the exhaustion from the long walk and flight had finally caught up with him. The next day is going to be a hit or a miss, depending on the presentation and skills each student displays. Through the whole night, Luke tossed and turned feeling an uneasy presence near him, almost like the deathly glare from his homophobic aunts. However, each time Luke went to open his eyes, the restless boy was met with darkness and the flashing red light of the water system for the unfortunate event of a fire. To say the least, Luke's first day won't be met with a burst of energy and that was beginning to concern him.

No one knew the level of strictness the elite college exhibited until they met  Madam Christen. When Luke arrived the following morning after his restless night, there this woman stood. Nearly every student seemed to cower in fear of this lady as though she was death itself. " Welcome amateur's, my name is Christen but you may never address me so informally. Rather address me as Madam Christen. I wish you all the best because from reading about you all and looking at you now, none of you are ready nor exhibiting any form of talent. Good luck beauties". Upon ending her speech, Madam Christen began to walk up and down, searching for something or someone. You could cut the tension in the air, it's almost suffocating to say the least. " You. With the hideous coloured hair, step forward" a rush of confusion left the students unaware who she was talking about, resulted in no movement. Until Luke's self-esteem told him, it's you, step forward. Madam Christen was shocked and shook her head, " my boy, those dropped curls and honey blonde hair could never be you. The women with red and green hair. It's not Christmas, but you may step forward and receive your first gift. It's a beautiful warning card, change the hair or leave this place now. We expect perfection, not a confetti disaster". Everyone began to leave the hall, some walking slower to comfort the insulted young lady. Today was the first class and Luke noticed that it's aimed at the history of beauty in every era and culture. This was a hidden interest he always had, besides loving RuPaul's Drag Race and experimenting with his mother's makeup; Luke's interest in makeup stems from the history of how some products changed the appearance of someone and makes them feel better about leaving the house. So, when Luke and a couple other people showed interest and the rest seemed focused on something else or anything to avoid the class, he could tell that fitting in will be hard. While learning about the  1st Dynasty of Egyptian makeup, Luke found himself considering his first project to represent old fashion makeup styles with a touch of modernisation. " Oi Luke, what you thinking about" a voice recognised as Micheal's spoke from beside Luke, " just about the first project idea I have, why?" before Micheal could answer the Madam Christen slammed her hand down on the desk with a deathly glare accompanying the slam. " Learn respect young man, this isn't a time for chitter chat, listen up" Luke reddened with embarrassment earning chuckling from other students and some snickering at him. 

Before long the history lesson had commenced and the students were given an hour to prepare for the workshop. As the students left Madam Christen called Luke back to stay behind. Once everyone had departed from the class, Luke took a seat closer to her desk, " what is it you need to speak about Madam?" but Madam Christen shook her head and showed Luke a photo. " This is my son, I need you to drop this off at the gym he works at. Do this for me and you will be forgiven for disturbing my class, do you understand Hemmings?" Luke nodded quickly and earnt a brief smile from the strict teacher. " Excellent, take this box and make sure not to drop it, don't be late for your next class". 

Eventually Luke arrived back outside of the gym that hadn't left his mind. Who could forget the view he saw and Luke prayed to god it was the same guy he saw that works at the gym. However, the idea that this was the son of Madam Christen completely slipped Luke's mind as the attractive male walked out with the same black heart tattoo's leading up his strong arms. Luke felt his knees weaken a bit at the sight of the male running his fingers through his curled hair and drink from a custom metal water bottle with an A engraved. As Luke continued to stare, the god-like man noticed the boy and gave a brief eye roll before approaching the boy outside staring in. The sound of the bell above the door brought Luke back to a state of alertness and met with a pair of hazel eyes staring right at him. " Is there something you need kid?" Luke gasped, trying to comprehend the words but couldn't fathom anything coherent from the sound of the deep voice and accent that had just addressed him as a kid. The pair stood in silence for a couple seconds before the unknown boy spoke again " I'm guessing that box is for that lady from the beauty school's son? He gets things delivered all the time. I could take that off your hands if you'd like? " Luke nodded slowly and reached out to pass-over the box to the beautiful man. " Uh t-thank you sir" Luke managed to say, earning a sly smirk from the guy and before Luke could ask the guy something, he had already headed inside giving a dark-haired boy the box. Luke noticed that the dark-haired boy also had a custom-made metal bottle but with a C instead of an A. This brought a blush upon Luke's face as he began to consider the chances the two were together. In the distance the sound of classical music played, which Luke recognised was the warning bell at the elite college to alert students that classes began again in ten minutes. Before Luke began to walk, the curly-haired god gave him a wave and went back to talking to his friend. A sharp pain lingered in Luke's chest from the level of embarrassment and humiliation brought upon from his shy actions.  After a couple minutes of walking, Luke managed to arrive to class two minutes before the teacher appeared. While the teacher hadn't noticed the time in which Luke arrived, the other students did and began whispering to each other about how it's a joke that the boy is even here, let alone think I'll make it through first week being here and Luke began to believe them; he was already distracted and the feeling of doubt filled his mind. Maybe it was too early to tell but Luke already felt like the black sheep of the students and maybe he began to believe it. The next class went by fast and Luke spent it planning his first project idea and mixing powders together to replicate the handsome guy's eyes. 

It's going to be a long journey and Luke just wanted to feel like he belonged. 

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