chapter seven

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Dedicate this chapter to worshipkink  for supporting me, when I felt the world crumbling. 💕
If the phrase living in reverse was a rare feeling, Luke would defy it. It seemed that every time he delivered something to Ashton, it was at the gym and leaving Luke to awkwardly stare into the tarnished looking gym. Today though, Luke with his newly formed realisation, that time doesn't stop for the lonely man or daydream over a boy with perfectly aligned hearts. As soon as Ashton took the package, Luke was gone, but the blonde boy didn't miss Ashton's shouts asking 'what's the rush?'. In a parallel universe, maybe Luke would have stayed behind and spoken to Ashton, but elimination was just a couple hours away. Somewhere deep within the pits of Luke's stomach, was a feeling that he'll be alright. Today was the consummation of this weeks round. The day that Pansy will turn around and amaze the judges with the technique, creativity, and uniqueness of Luke's years of practice with the paint products of makeup.

( This coming scene contains sexism, I am deeply sorry if anyone takes offense )

While Ashton was a refreshing break from the college, he was only a distraction and ultimately is only going to hold him back. It was hard enough in the world of the female-dominated industry to even be taken seriously. Luke from birth was handed a selection of misfortunes; while the workplaces were male-dominated currently, the idea of a man trying to do a woman's job, was insanely absurd. Not only this, Luke wasn't presenting the ideal man attributes of physical strength, pride and getting down and dirty with his job. Every birthing celebration the mother's of his town would put their babies in front of two toys, a doll and a car, Luke without a second thought reached towards the doll, with was condemned throughout the community. However, once Luke had moved to the small town, the community there was a lot more supportive, but the lingering feeling of judgment for doing something he enjoys lingered on his back. While there are other beauticians at the college, people like Charlie are doing special effects makeup, which is seen to be okay and not too borderline feminine.


With the lingering sound of crackling thunder, Luke began to run towards the building in which held his fate. Upon arrival, the bittersweet sound of people crying from their round was heard. It was presumed that the fashion designers were finishing up and the next round for the beautician was about to commence. The lingering feeling of anxiety and self-doubt didn't go unnoticed by Luke's fellow students, some gave him pitiful smiles and others chuckled. Before Luke could begin setting up his kit, a recognisable voice was heard from behind him.

" So Luke, we ready to get this show on the road "

The fragile blonde chuckled and gave Pansy a sweet smile, before grabbing ahold of his kit and making an awkward finger gun action towards the door.

" Let's do this "


After an hour past, the dreading sound of Mozart Symphony no 40 played through the warehouse, alerting the students that their hour was up. As everyone stepped away from their model's, Luke stared at Pansy with pride, the colours of the autumn wind and tranquility radiated from Pansy. Additionally, radiating her skin with the subtle touches of copper highlight sparkles along her cheekbones.  This pride didn't go unnoticed by Madam Christen and Mrs. Windsor, whom both nodded their heads in approval upon approach.

"Good evening Luke, I ask you move to the side, allow us to examine the model" Mrs.Windsor spoke without sparing a glance towards Luke, while Madam Christen gave a brief nod and began writing down notes before walking away quite quickly. Luke stood unnerved at the lack of time spent examining his hour-long work, moreover the effort it took to come up with this beautiful, lush idea. As Mrs. Windsor walked away, Luke slumped and received a soft pat from Pansy, who avoided smiling directing at the boy and rather spent it staring at the clock.

Once everyone had been examined Madam Christen approached the panel, with a small note containing the students being sent home. As Madam Christen read out the names, a mixture of groans and tears filled the room as one by one students left the room. Luke had lost count with how many were sent home, but while maths wasn't his strong suit, the number of students being called out exceeded the previously mentioned number of ten.  It seemed that the number of students being sent home wouldn't stop but suddenly it stopped and Luke was left speechless. His name wasn't called out and the excitement was impossible to contain. 

" Yes! Pansy, we did it, we made it through the first round, omg I have to tell Abby!"

" Quiet Hemmings, this isn't over yet" Madam Christen's booming voice spoke with clear disgust in the boy's loudness. Before the respected women could continue, the large wooden doors came swinging open. There stood Ashton and the boy Luke only known as C, both of them sweating furiously and Luke didn't dare miss the way Ashton's arms were flexing with anger.

" Could someone please escort these two misfits out of here? " Mrs. Windsor spoke, almost like she was seeking Madam Christen's approval like a dog. Just another follower, Luke thought, and maybe the fact seeing the dog like nature of Mrs. Windsor reduced the fear towards her. However, Madam Christen just shook her head and whispered to Mrs.Windsor something, causing her to blush and nod with dejection.

"Everyone, freshen up we're having a celebratory party to commemorate the handful of you that have made it through to the next round". And with those final words from Madam Christen, the students rushed out and finally had the opportunity to discuss what had just happened.

While Luke was still standing there both intrigued as to why Ashton was here and also with a bit of envy that C could stand so close to him. However, what Luke didn't expect was Ashton to just walk right past his bench with C like he had no recollection of Luke, maybe Luke shouldn't have run away from Ashton before. Pansy noticed the quick change of mood, earning a chuckle from the young beauty.

" He does that Luke, come on. Go contact that friend of yours? I have to talk to my boo anyways".

But Luke wasn't having it, why would Ashton just pretend to not recognise him? Maybe he's overthinking and needed to confirm it. " You go ahead Pansy, I'll see you later. Thank you for today, we'll celebrate separately together soon". Pansy gives the boy a questionable look but leaves without another word.

With Madam Christen, Ashton, Mrs. Windsor and C standing up there; Luke couldn't deny feeling threatened but walked up anyway. The first to notice was Ashton's friend C, who turned around fully and gave the frazzled blonde a flirtatious wink and gave Ashton a small tap on the shoulder. Ashton turned around slowly and stared emotionlessly at him like he was staring into Luke's soul, and was searching for a reason to not blurt every sin, inside of the blonde's subconscious.

"Ah, Luke. Why have you yet to leave?" Madam Christen spoke cluelessly, reminding Luke that she had no idea that Luke took visiting Ashton as a pleasure rather than a pain.

"I just wanted to properly say thank you, I am glad you saw my hard work today and I won't cease to amaze you further".  Both teacher's nodded, but Luke's eyes were locked on the small smile Ashton wore, as Luke ranted about how thankful he was.

What Luke didn't know was, Ashton found Luke unbearably cute, and came to the school to watch the boy, but when he found out that the door was locked, the anger bottled up of the constant reminder of his real-life version of Romeo and Juliet was becoming true; and in result, Ashton closed himself off from allowing Luke to be his Juliet.

The dream of pursuing the boy is a dream, not a reality.

" Could you leave kid?" The harshness caught Luke off-guard but followed his request, because in Luke's reality, someone who cared about him was at home and that's the only closeness he needs, not a moody god-like boy with symmetrical black heart tattoos.

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