chapter ten

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It didn't take Luke much thought to start fantasising about the curly haired man. While laying on one of the library beanbags and clicking his tongue with thought, a rare face appeared. " look who it is! The local golden boy" Luke turned his head to see Michael leaning against a shelf of books, with a cheerful smile plastered on his face. Luke remind silent as he hadn't spoken to Michael in a while and the nickname was foreign to him. The colourful lad confined to the awkward tension and walked over to the so-called ' golden boy '.

"Luke, where you been? "
" what do you mean? I've been here Michael".

Both boys remind silent for the following couple of seconds, trying to break the awkward tension. As the pair stood/sat there in silence, the sound of fighting was heard from outside.

Simultaneously the pair raced to the window to see the chaos being made from outside on the right-wing grounds. There stood Cindy and another girl fighting verbally, slightly swaying back and forth as though one or the other was gonna swing a punch. The lost expression on Michael's face showed signs of disappointment and agony, which sent a sharp pain to Luke's heart as it reminded him of Abby's face when he left the village.

"She's going to be sent home, fucking idiot," Michael emotionlessly said with a palm covering his eyes and evident signs of fatigue radiating off him. "Luke, she's incredible but that temper of hers is going to send her home, I need to go out there and stop them." As Michael began to head for the door, Luke rushed ahead of him shouting "If we run, we can stop them before one of the headmasters or teachers see them"; Michael ran after Luke admiring the taller boys long legs, and near missing a trash can on the way there. No one had to know that Michael admired Luke a lot, not only for his evident talent but also the soft features of the blonde beauty. Luke evidently was a sportsman in the past because of the speed and agility he displayed, and no natural talent could compare to those simultaneous strides taking him faster than Michael who was running at full pace, compared to Luke's half-way-there full pace.

Upon approaching the two girls, Luke and Michael noticed that Cindy's hair was a total mess. "If that girl went for Cindy's hair. She's a goner"; Luke let out a genuine laugh and the pair continued to walk fast to the girls shouting words that would make a grandmother's ears bleed. "Hey, guys stop already fucking hell!" Michael shouted, pulling back Cindy and holding the clearly angered girl from pouncing on the other girl, while Luke held back the unknown brunette from attacking Cindy. However, when Luke looked at the girls face, it was April the vision impaired girl he sat with on the plane. "I know you." Luke breathed out and held the girl back with less strength, making it much easier for her to pull out of his grasp and landing a huge punch across Cindy's face. " You little shit, and Cindy pushed Michael away and landed a punch to the girl's stomach; "Freak!" and with that Cindy rushed away followed by Michael trying to calm her down. Luke stood in utter shock at the event that had just unfolded before his eyes, but broke out of his stunned trance and bent down to check in April.

"Hey, are you okay?"- Luke

"fuck, do I seem okay?"- April

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help you."

Luke gasped as April shakingly stood up and went to help her, but the slight touch made April freak out and push him over. "I don't need a man to help me get up. I'm strong enough to support myself you pig." The fear in April's eyes took away the stinging impact of her words as she ran away holding her stomach, leaving Luke laying on the grass confused and lost.

"Hey cutie, why you laying in the grass? A spider could start hanging on those curls of yours" a deep voice spoke next to the blonde that sent a new feeling to his heart.


Ashton knelt down on the other side of the gate, gazing at the angelic boy who seemed less preppy than usual. Worrying washed over him and result in, Ashton beginning to climb the gate and rushing over the gate as fast as he can to the quiet blonde boy. " Blonde, you gonna answer me?" he called out to the blonde as he dropped onto the ground, landing on his feet. Luke shook his head rapidly, without thinking about the grass and leafs beginning to capture within his golden locks. However, the older boy wasn't planning on taking that for an answer and bent down and lent over the boy below him, giving him a little nudge of the shoulder with his hand. Luke continued to ignore Ashton but gave a little smile at the cuteness of Ashton worrying about him.

"Do I see a little smile? If you look at me, I'll give you a kiss? " and faster than the speed of light Luke turned his head and nodded, quickly leaning up and connecting his lips with Ashton's. The pair stayed in this position, even if it looked awkward, both didn't pull away from the hot feeling of their lips pressed against each other. Finally, Luke pulled away to breathe and laughed lightly at the silliness of why he's out of breath, before trying to pull Ashton down to kiss again. Ashton willingly obliged to the request and pinned Luke's hands above his head and kissed him deeply, and pressed his crotch against Luke's, earning a high-pitched moan, shocking both of them. " Oh my god, Ashton fuck, we can't do this out here...I love kissing you, but I'm definitely not an exhibitionist." Ashton nodded but kissed Luke again, holding onto his hips and lifting him up so that they were both up from the ground, with Luke's legs wrapped around Ashton's waist and continuing to kiss each other. When their lips began to hurt, they pulled away, Luke's lips red and puffy and Ashton glowing with pride. "So, what's up my cutie?" Ashton inquired holding onto Luke still, showing no signs of struggle to hold up the light boy.

"I tried helping someone, but I think she thought I made her feel useless or something. I just wanted to help her up, but I think she took it as she needs a prince to save her."Ashton nodded slowly with one eyebrow raised at the reasoning. Luke sighed lightly and lay his head on Ashton's shoulder. Both stayed in place enjoying each others company before Ashton finally formed an answer. " Well, no matter what she took it as, you were doing it with good intentions and if she took it as a sign of you asserting your dominance then honestly she needs to open her mind a bit." The blonde nodded and hugged Ashton tighter, unaware of the returning pair of colourful haired people.

"Hi, Luke, who is that?" Luke stiffened up at the sound of Michael's voice, deepening his face into Ashton's shoulder trying to ignore the boy but Ashton had other plans, " I'm Ashton, nice to meet you. I'd offer you a hand to shake, but I'm holding blondie here", Michael let out a laugh and slapped Cindy's back in laughter" Ouch, what the actual f-." Ashton slowly let the boy down and tapped his chin to look up at Michael and the Cindy.

"This is Ashton. He's Madam Christen's son and the guy I've been delivering those packages to" Cindy let out a gasp and covered her mouth, allowing Michael to twin the shock but with words."You're fucking Madam Christen's son? OMG, THAT IS SO SCANDALOUS" Luke choked on air and tried to get a word in as Michael laughed hysterically.

"We haven't fucked, skunk head. But I do enjoy the feeling of his body against the mine" Ashton spoke without any sign of holding back his honesty, earning a groan from Luke and a gagging sound from Cindy.

While the four discussed the situation of Luke and Ashton's saucy new way of communicating, Madam Christen was looking out from the library window overlooking the right wing of the school, with a face of disgust and fury.

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