chapter eight

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By barely maintaining his composure, Luke gave his best friend a call. The repetitious sound of rings and static lingered through the room and one after another the calls went to message bank. The question of "why" continuously echoed through his brain; it was the repercussions of his actions; through avoiding contact for almost 2 weeks it felt as though Luke deserved the silent treatment. After one more call, Luke left a brief message and put the phone back on charge. Before Luke could mop in his own regrets, Charlie came running through the door and jumped onto Luke's bed. " I'm so happy! We both made it! Your model looked incredible Luke, and why were you hiding that talent all along?"The excitement exuding from the small man-made Luke chuckle and return the compliment." Charlie, do you know Ashton?"The question caught the cheerful man off guard, but without much time passing an answer was made and let's just say, a tall blonde twink stormed out of the room and the shorter boy was left with a face of pure confusion.

Beyond the walls of the prestigious school, Ashton and Calum were sitting outside the gate sharing a cigarette. While the cigarette wasn't a depiction of a healthy choice, the pair shared a cigarette occasionally. Possibly the sharp hit of nicotine filling their lungs and the cold air of London brought a bit of relief to the pair. Yet, Calum could clearly tell something was troubling Ashton mind; whether he cared or didn't care, the mystery of how Ashton was sad while smoking with him brought concerns.

" what's got you troubled Ash? Did your mum say something again?"

The question wasn't needed in Ashton opinion; it isn't manly to express his emotions. So instead, Ashton kept his mouth shut and took the burning cigarette from Calum's fingers and took a long deep drag of the burning product; allowing the cloudy puffs of smoke to fly into the air, with the rest of the miserable grey clouds.

( Please remember this isn't my opinion on men, there aren't certain criteria to be manly, this is just an outdated opinion or a product of the time)

On the other side of the gate, a group of students was discussing the outcome of elimination. Some agreeing with the choices but the overall opinion was that Luke shouldn't be still here. If it wasn't clear enough to the teachers, that Luke is the only beautician who is male, and not in the effects makeup section like Charlie and Micheal; only to mention a few is absurd; that they'd even keep him around.

The girls were set on the idea that why is there another man trying to take over their career? Stick to being a businessman or banker, they all joked. It's certain that no one wanted him around but Luke's biggest fan overhears every word and wasn't going to stand around and hear the bullshit. For Luke didn't realise, that the radiant person had been keeping an eye on him. However, for now, it's best they keep away from getting involved because at the sight of Luke unaware of their presence but fully aware of some thug smoking a cancer stick; Luke had a lot more time to grow and seeing the face he made proves that correctly.

Sometimes people have to allow chaos to happen, whether it's potentially destructive or helpful, allowing people to write their own stories are important, and with that Luke's biggest fan walked away and decided that he needs to grow up himself.

As the blonde boy gazed hopelessly at Ashton and clicked his tongue in anticipation, wondering whether he should talk to Ashton about the outburst or what Charlie said. Luke just felt dirty all over from what Charlie said and knowing their relationship better makes Luke want Ashton more. So the blonde began walking towards the gate, swinging his hips and casually pulling his sweatpants higher to make them hug his ass.

He didn't go unnoticed by the group of people still talking about the outcome and some boy band. Some snickered at the 'try-hard' boy passing them. In the corner of Calum's eye, he saw the boy coming towards them and elbowed Ashton's hip as he was mid-breathing in a drag of smoke.
"dude, what the fuck?" Ashton exclaimed and aimed to whack the back of the taller boy, but a soft pat was felt on his back. With the sharp tone and question of "what now?!" Luke squeaked and immediately Ashton recognised who was the owner of the soft pat.

"Hey blondie, what you need?" Ashton finally turns around and asking, looking him straight in the eyes. " I just wanted to talk about with you for a bit; it won't take long." To Luke's surprise, Ashton immediately nodded and shooed his friend away. With hesitation, Luke opened the gate to stand with Ashton. Some might say Luke appeared as a lost puppy and Ashton appeared as a lion standing above him. But no one had to know how much Luke liked the feeling of Ashton looking so much more powerful and dominant over him with his broad shoulders, denim jacket and slicked back curls.

" I just want to ask, why were you so cold in there? Did I upset you?"Luke tearily asked, avoiding Ashton's intense gaze." look at me when you talk Luke" but the boy continued to avoid his gaze. "I'm sorry Ashton, can you please just answer me." Giving into the plea, Ashton grabbed onto Luke's hand. "Come with me, I'd rather not have eavesdropping, gossip, pretentious people listening into our conversation." In the distance was the very place that Luke met Ashton, the out-of-place gym that looked dead from afar but alive up-close. Luke felt the tugging feeling of Ashton's large hand around his wrist and just allowed the tattooed boy to lead the way, and while the grip around his wrist was very tight, Luke didn't seem to mind being pulled along by someone else's plans. While it was nice being controlled by the boy, Luke desired a bit of comfort and with every inch of courage inside of him, Luke used his other hand to hold Ashton's and neither boy pulled away; the shared feeling of comfort as the pair walked away from the school. But the person unnoticed by the pair was the very women who kept Luke at the school and birthed the boy, Luke had his hand holding.

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