chapter sixteen

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(ANOTHER UPDATE SO SOON, WOW WHO KNEW): I don't know if I ever stated Luke's age, but he is 22 in this story x thanks guys


Still laying on the sofa, Luke was now fully awake and staring at the television which played an old episode of a gardening show. It was one of those moments Luke wished he had a big backyard, he could fill with colour and make his surroundings a lot more palatable. Eventually, the show ended and the news was now on, meaning Luke turned off the television immediately. As he began to sit up, the sticky sound of his skin being pulled by the leather sofa indicated just how long he had been lying there. Soft marks of red cascaded all over his thighs and arms; forming a stark difference between his pasty skin, but reminded him of the red marks Ashton would leave on him during their little rendezvous. It was silly to associate the two marks together, as equals but the blonde still missed the man who broke his heart. Before he became too entangled in memories, Luke reminded himself he was just another black heart inked into Ashton's skin. Additionally, part of Luke regaining his identity and self means letting go of what changed him in the first place. Looking at the date on the calendar behind him, it was almost Spring and maybe taking up some of the gardening tips from the show would do Luke wonders.

As that thought entered his mind, it left it immediately because he wasn't going to jump to the first solution for his misery. This was a journey and getting a new job was the start of everything, his new life. Behind the facade of being prepared to move on, Luke's fingers itched to pick up the beauty blender laying on his counter but furthermore, he still suppressed it. Every corner of Luke's house was a reminder of his career and dreams, and this made him realise it wasn't a job he needed first, it was to completely start over with a new place. Maybe his irrational thinking hadn't changed but the Blonde had begun to get dressed into something cleaner and headed down to the local agency and put his house up for sale. To someone sane, this seemed very rushed but Luke was craving freedom from everything he was, or more so is. Weeks passed, and Luke had sold his house to the very first offer and gave away everything makeup related, and had moved into a shoebox-sized apartment. While his surroundings were tiny, he had now a garden filled with veggies and a lemon tree. The once leather sofa was now replaced with a couple of technicoloured beanbags; the television was replaced for a secondhand laptop and he had his very first job interview today at the local theatre. A piece of happiness had finally entered Luke's life, and the boy who he had given his love to, was the last thing on his mind. Sometimes locals would request Luke to help them, but would only use the makeup they owned, as owning it would be a reminder of the thing that brought him immense pain. Life felt pretty good for the most part but sometimes when Luke was passing by the stores, he'd see the gym of his area, it was a brief thought and the only time Asthon would enter his mind. Despite everything, Luke still smiled because he wasn't regretful about stepping out of his comfort zone to give his love to someone. While he wished Ashton was brave enough to contact him, it went both ways. Neither tried to reach out to one another.

The only time Luke heard about Ashton was when Charlie would send updates on his journey and say he saw Ashton talking to his mother or he'd see the gym buff at a coffee shop. Charlie and Luke didn't message all the time, but it was a nice once a week thing Luke did. Within an hour, Luke had his job interview and had already left to get there early. He scouted a pair of yellow converses, bell-bottom blue jeans, a cheap oversized grey t-shirt and a big smile. All that Luke wanted was to complete the little quest he had set himself to completely change, but on the entry, the manager gave him a questionable look. " Aren't you that makeup artist? My mother once had you do her makeup, why are you here?" and while it was obvious, it wasn't like the little town revolved around Luke, so not everyone was aware of his business closing. "I've closed shop, and now I'm hoping to work here alongside you and the other employees" Luke replied with a forced smile, only because he wasn't entirely happy that people still associated him with the shop. "Alright kid, knowing you're good with customer service, I'll put you behind the snack bar if you want this job?" Luke was in shock at how quickly the woman considered him, and while he can simmer in hatred of it is because of the experience from his previous job, that wasn't going to stop him from taking the opportunity. "I'll take it! When do I start?" the woman laughed at his enthusiasm and pointed towards the snack bar "today".

As the day went on, Luke had met some of his co-workers and learnt the ropes of being a snack bar professional. Everyone was welcoming and kind, it was almost perfect. However, as much as Luke was smiling throughout the day, something felt off, almost like someone was watching him again. It was similar to the feeling back in London, but Luke pushed it aside as paranoia. Later on during his shift, he found out that he won't be working behind the snack bar with any of the employees, as they worked during the week and Luke was assigned the weekends and Monday. Instead, he'd be working alongside another man a couple of years or so older than him; to be accurate Luke was 4 years younger. His co-workers ranted and raved about how the man he's working alongside is a very sweet guy and is perfect for first-timers. The man was a "professional snack barrister". The secretive nature of them not telling the blonde boy made it even more exciting for him as he waited with anticipation to meet his barrister partner. One of his co-workers informed him that the man would be coming in soon to talk with the manager. Before Luke could ask questions about when he'd be arriving, a cold rush of air came in as the theatre doors were opened.

"Close the door, Pat, it's fucking freezing in here!" the manager yelled, rushing towards the man and closing the door behind him. There stood the 26-year-old who Luke would be working alongside. To describe the man, Luke couldn't ignore the vibrant obnoxious red Hawaiian shirt and ugly purple shorts. But he had one of the most genuine smiles and shaven black hair that made Luke admire how simple but handsome the man was. Patrick began to walk over to Luke behind the bar and leaned over the counter to offer Luke his hand to shake. Without thinking, Luke grabbed his hand and did a little curtsy. This resulted in a loud howl like laughter from the Patrick who curtsied with the boy. " I'm Patrick, you must be the new guy" Luke nodded and smiled at him; before letting go of the man's hand finally. " I'm Luke, and I hope we can work together and have fun delivering the finest snacks to customers", which earnt a reciprocated smile from the older man. " I like this guy, Nancy," Patrick said pointing towards Luke and looking at the manager. A warm feeling entered Luke's chest and he couldn't wipe off the smile on his face, this was going to be fun.


I hope you enjoyed the new update :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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