chapter fifteen

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The flight back to home was anything but calming; in every corner of Luke's field of vision; people were throwing up, babies screaming and an annoying child kicking the back of his chair. However, while this was by any means fun; Luke was prepared to deal with it all because the last couple of months was way more hellish than a flight. Everything that waited for Luke back at home would be changing, and while previously, change scared the living daylights out of him, dealing with the reality of his impulsiveness and arrogance showed him that it's necessary. Every memory brought sour thoughts, and the realisation of returning home to a now broken friendship and a business that's going to be closed down; Luke had nothing. Passing ideas of hypothetical ideas for a solution to his thoughts had hit a dead end.

As the overhead speaker announced the soon to come landing, Luke began to pack up his headphones and other belongings. The screaming babies had stopped crying and the vomiting had stopped too. Cheers were heard all around, as they made their descent onto the tar mat of the airport. " It is now 1 pm and the weather outside is raining but should clear up soon; we ask of you to leave the aircraft calmly and have your boarding tickets ready ".As the seatbelt sign turned off, people began to rush everywhere, like the plane was on fire and they had to get ahold of their fake Gucci bags before it turned them into nothing but dust. Some people remained seat, Luke being one and deciding to check the time repeatedly on his phone than lunge for his bag. As the aircraft decluttered the high amount of chaos, Luke rose and retrieved his belongings, feeling a short pain in his shoulder lifting his carry-on from the overhead storage compartments.

For the next hour, Luke spent his time grabbing a coffee and checking out from the airport to head back home. The wheels on his suitcase scratching at the gravel outside, creating an obnoxious sound as he passed by people, earning a couple of glares and people covering their ears. Luke's phone began to ding in his pocket, but it was only when he ushered over a taxi and he began to be driven home, that he checked what the notification was. On the screen showed a friend request from Charlie Mahev on Facebook and a pang of guilt-stricken sadness filled Luke's mind once again. Before deciding whether to accept or deny, Luke viewed Charlie's Facebook page and saw just how talented the boy was. This was information Luke already knew, but seeing the collages of photos with his friends, all looking happy caused Luke to tear up a little. All through his own life, Luke went out of his way to make it harder for people to get close to him, and while he, himself knew that wearing or doing makeup doesn't make him any less manly. Also, knowing that he was far from being a guy, who is going out of his way to assert toxic masculinity; in the back of his mind, he felt everyone judged him for not only being gay but doing a female populated and driven profession.

Eventually, the taxi driver stopped out the front of Luke's humble abode and Luke gave the kind woman the money and a smile. Everything about his environment felt alien to him, almost as though he was beginning to alienate himself from his reality. Despite fighting with his inner demons, Luke dropped off his belongings and headed straight for his little shop. Without any surprises, there stood his customers waiting for his arrival. They all began rushing over, telling him the news he already knew. " sorry everyone but I have to close this place. I'll be sending out my card if anyone wants to book an appointment. I'll be offering makeup services at my own home in the future. For now, I ask that you allow me to settle back in". Everyone started chanting things, hoping Luke would feel empowered by their encouragement. That wasn't going to happen. Without a second thought, Luke went inside to remove everything, and chain up the front door for good. " I want to thank you all, for supporting me along the way, I'll give each one of you a mini palette and I'll then be on my way". Everyone nodded with defeat, thanking the broken boy as he gave them a product from one of many bags.

It was bittersweet but needed to be done. Not only to avoid the wrath of Madam.C but also for his sanity. Time passed, and Luke was now home with a mountain of cosmetics in bags. The television blaring in the background as Luke continued to stare at the friend request he received. Knowing that he was about to change many things revolving around his life, Luke leapt and accepted the request before turning off his phone. The rest of the night went by like a blur, probably the result of Luke taking pain killers to pass out on his worn-out sofa. Unknown to Luke was that back in London, Ashton was sitting in his mothers' room talking about how he misses him; resulting in a sharp slap from her in disapproval. " A man liking another man, is a joke to men and the image they display. You mustn't keep running to boys Ashton, people will start to think you are a faggot". While Ashton knew this wasn't true, thanks to the boy he let go of, a couple of months won't fix years worth of toxic masculinity.

Back in Australia, Luke lay on the sofa reading about job opportunities around his area and sent in a couple of applications to supermarkets (convenience store) and a random arcade around the corner. Makeup was a thing of the past, and while he would continue it as a side thing, his world needs a change and maybe painting on a face, on top of his own with his pallet of makeup.

A new world, a new image and a new perspective.


After months I've updated this one! I'm recently back and I hope you guys still enjoy this story! <3 Next chapter will be a bit more focused on the life Luke is creating and why it's important to develop self-love. This story is not only a story about self discovery but issues within society around hegemonic masculinity.

Much love guys,


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