chapter fourteen

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As the sun rose, the screams of lost hopes echoed through the hallways. Every inch of Luke's body was riddled with disgust, the paper torn in two on the now-empty bed. During the night, Ashton had left the boy after stripping away another layer of sanity; leaving him bare both literally and figuratively. Ashton had destroyed Luke's chances, but in reality, it was Luke's lust that drove him insane. Each word on the piece of paper addressed the reason for expulsion and each word leaving Luke's lips were coated with regret. Not only was Luke being sent home, the community he had once worked together with at this elite program, knew his name and would drag it to filth. Everyone knew his little romance rendezvous with the head of the schools' son would result in expulsion; everyone but Luke. Just like any first glimpse at first love, Luke was jumping headfirst into the realm of emotions and the idea of eternity. As he packed his things, Charlie returned and silently began helping Luke out. Neither exchanged any words, but here and there Luke would stare at Charlie and the faint colourful powder on his clothing. He recognised the pigment as a Huda beauty pallet desert dusk eyes, one of Luke's favourites to use. While Luke was happy Charlie was helping, it pained him to know Ashton was nowhere in sight, and that's when he knew he really wasted an opportunity in the program because he was too busy being concerned over some boy than his dream. 

" I've ruined everything", Luke began to mutter to himself while folding up a jacket and messily throwing it into his suitcase, wasting the point of even folding it. Every inch of his being wanted to fight for his spot, but it was ruined that's the point. This isn't some heartfelt movie about people coming together to save the main characters spot, this was reality; the real world that doesn't wait around for some slut. This wasn't true though, Luke wasn't a slut but the chapter of being apart of this elite school was over and closed. His roommate just continued to help Luke pack things because Luke's outbursts and his little acting methods to tiptoe around issues, making it hard to ever consider the pair friends. Not even his model showed up, no one came to bid Luke farewell and not even Ashton. He was played, checkmate and not even the man who preached about his masculinity would step down for one second and comfort the departing blonde. Once everything was packed away, Charlie helped Luke wheel his bags to the bus stop out the front; and there stood Madam Christen, chin angled up and an expensive bag in tow. The woman, who Luke once saw as the guardian angel to his dreams, was now the devil piercing his dreams in multiple minuscule pieces.  " Your transport will arrive soon but before I bid you farewell, a word of advice-" The woman began, lips freshly glossed with dark copper shade and teeth an off white colour that had some caviar stuck between her front teeth. While it was quite disgusting to see, the caviar just reminded him of the different levels of fortune and class. 

" Close down your shop when you get back home, people like you don't deserve to be in this industry". And with that, Madam Christen left. A ping was felt in the blonde's chest, a feeling of disappointment and now full of embarrassment for letting his little town down. Soon enough a run down, the general public bus appeared; no pink seats and glitz and glam. Just another reminder he is no longer apart of this program, he is just another person, nothing special. Charlie gave Luke a light pat on the shoulder, which earnt a very weak smile from him and now he was utterly alone. The bus driver came out and helped the boy load is belongings into the bus that was designated for the airport, a shuttle bus. The friends he made like Michael didn't come to say goodbye, but rather the now purple-haired man watched Luke board the bus from a window and the rest of his class watching too. While many of the students didn't like Luke, people who weren't aware of Madam Christen's son and Luke being intimate or the way Luke was causing scenes everywhere due to his brain being deconstructed from love; watched with confusion. No one made any remarks about the fact they were one more person down, from winning the placement; just silence. 

As the bus drove away, Luke plugged in his headphones to his shattered phone from dropping it at some point while with Ashton probably. Everything was a blur to the young boy and as the bus was now out of sight, Ashton and Calum stood hands against the window of the gym watching it roll away. " You really are pathetic Ashton, I thought you'd at least say bye to the kid" Calum spoke with a hint of venom in his voice, and giving his friend a whack on the back of the head. However, Ashton didn't feel pathetic he knew this would happen and he had filled the sexual void; it wasn't like Luke was the only student at the school. But as every thought tried brushing off his experiences with Luke, every thought brought Ashton to tears because he knew it wasn't true, he actually liked Luke. No pushup set or 10KM run will make the feelings of longing leave. He missed the boy but they were destined to fall apart. Two different worlds, two different paths and two different reasons for one another. As every tear left the once stoic mans eyes, everything fell apart after that but Luke was no longer there to keep him afloat. 

In the end, it wasn't the fact their desire was unstrained it was the pieces of each other they had lost, no one was gonna know the feeling of being so good for each other but ever so toxic. 

Before long, the bus rolled up to the airport and Luke went through every process of checking in without changing his glum expression. The bags were checked in, his passport in hand and the marks of Ashton's touch covering every inch of his body; unable to stop the memories of the experience, that only the faint sound of a ring tone and feeling of vibration in his pocket. The person who he hadn't heard from in weeks, even months was now calling him out of nowhere. At first, the name felt foreign and Luke almost rejected the call before memories of his hometown filled his brain. Briefly, the feeling of relief was felt, his home, his safe haven but that was all changed at the realisation this friend of his had ignored every call, every attempt to keep in contact and right then; Luke accepted the call and let his best friend yell at him; the news of Luke's explosion all over the media, that even his hometown knew of it. Still Luke couldn't ponder any words, the pleas of his 'best friend' to explain what happened, fell on deaf ears. Slowly, Luke brought the phone up to his chest, allowing one tear to fall before accepting defeat. Before hanging up, the elephant in the room was the question of where was his so-called best friend this whole time? 

" Abby seriously shut the fuck up. I'll be home soon, and right now the only thing on my mind is, what am I gonna do with my now broken chances of lifting OUR business off, but how dare you call me and shout at me like you have any right? I have not heard a peep from you in months, you act all high and mighty talking to me like I'm a child. You'll find out why I got kicked out and that's all you need to know; so I bid you goodbye. I'm closing the shop, and I suggest you find work elsewhere because this dream is over and so is whatever you thought was an okay friendship, have a good one Abby". Both now speechless, Luke decides it's for the best, he'd probably deserved her ignoring him and is better off without him. Abby hangs up and Luke smiled.

" This is your fault, enlighten yourself on who you were before all of this Luke."


After 100 years I've updated this story, while it's not the HAPPIEST update to return to; it's really important. I was honestly in a slump with this story, and after a lot of thought, I know where I'm going with this. I hope the writing is better now, I'll be updating this story again this week, thank you for your patience. From the very start, this wasn't gonna be a drastically happy and light-hearted story ( satans_priest ) knew this haha. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update x see you soon!

I promise this will be updated more, as I really know where I'm going now (Uni is also finishing up for the semester soon so yay) all the best guys <3

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