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Maple raced through the trees, Beetle in bug form seated on her shoulder. Sting rushed forward beneath them in the ground water, Delilah in his grasp. Brandon's teammates each felt a bit differently about the situation, but the summation of their thoughts was captured in Delilah's anger.

What is his problem? She thought bitterly. Is he allergic to following instructions or common courtesy or something?

The youngest of the team, Maple and Beetle, were more worried and unsettled than anything. Delilah stormed over to them in the middle of breakfast, fuming with rage. She could barely even speak she was so furious, and when she finally got around to explaining the situation, the first thought through their heads was Is Brandon going to be okay? 

Now, they were racing against time, trying to get to Brandon and the girl they hadn't officially been assigned to rescue before the Suits did.

On short notice, G had arranged transport south by plane, but to the Atlanta city limit. After that, it was up to them to find their way. At present, the team was racing alongside a highway and according to their calculations, the next exit was theirs.

"Stop!" Maple called out. Hearing her, Sting materialized himself and Delilah above ground. Delilah, in her animal form, coiled up the nearest tree. Maple leapt across the void to meet her on a branch.

"What is it, Maple?" she hissed.

"Look," Maple directed.

Exiting the highway up ahead were three black armored cars. The Suits were arriving on the scene at the same time they were.

"Damn it," Sting cursed.

"We're out of time," Delilah transformed back to her human form. "We need to be there. Now. Sting, do you have enough power to—"

Sting nodded. Maple made the tree lower its branch to the ground while she stepped off. She cupped Beetle in her hands and everyone gathered in around Sting.

The world went black. 

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now