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 Beetle and Delilah didn't stop what they were doing. Panic zipped through me, as Brandon held my attention with his voice. "Maple and I are going to drum up some cover. Find the key and wait for my signal." He slipped back through the door, and something came over me. It felt like falling asleep and being shaken awake at the same time. My feet were moving faster than my brain. I was out in the hallway after Brandon, reaching for his shoulder. My vision blurred. Someone else stood before me, taller, with piercing gray eyes.

"There's no time—" Brandon started.

"Be careful," I heard myself say.

I could see Brandon's face again. His expression was tense, unreadable. The fuzziness inside me began to funnel out. Behind him, I could see down the hall into the lobby, where bullets soon pelted the glass. The panic returned as Brandon shoved me back into the key closet and disappeared.

"Found it!" I was slowly coming back to myself when Delilah dropped all the keys in her hand except one. "Let's get out of here."

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now