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An hour later, we were deep into the woods. The trees seemed taller, more daunting, as they stretched up into the evening sky. Everyone had been silent since we'd left my home.

I guess I wasn't the only one with a lot to think about.

Everyone's frustration with Brandon was palpable and thick, like a fog hanging around us. I still wasn't exactly sure what to make of him. He'd saved my life, but he was also uncompromising, hard to get along with and snappy. He was also... kind. Something in me wanted to get along with him, but that seemed like a long shot.

Soon, my muscles ached and my feet were sore from the non-stop walking. I didn't want to be the first to break the silence.

"Brandon," Delilah finally said, "It's getting late. We need to make camp."

Bless her soul, I thought thankfully.

"We aren't close to the state line yet. We can't sleep," Brandon kept walking.

Delilah stopped. Everyone except Brandon followed her example. He turned to look at the rest of us.

"Guys—" Brandon started.

"It's late. We're going to pick up in the morning." Delilah said with finality.

"We need to keep going," Brandon insisted.

We could all feel another argument coming on.

"Brandon, we're losing the light and everyone's tired. It's been a long day, so let's do what's best for the team and make camp."

"We're going to keep walking until it's dark," Brandon said.

"Hello?" Delilah motioned toward the east. "It is dark."

Brandon pointed to the west. "As long as we got a little light, it's safe to keep going. Night traveling is better anyway. The Suits will have a harder time finding us."

I could see Maple and Beetle becoming agitated at Delilah and Brandon going back and forth. I hopped in front of Delilah, facing Brandon. "All right, all right. No more fighting. Why don't we just—"

"Stay out of this," Brandon snapped, gaze intent on Delilah behind me. "You're not a member of this team. You don't have any say in—"

In a second, all of the emotions bubbling in my gut rose up and spilt over. "Brandon, you're so full of it! Can't you see your team's tired? From what I've heard, you really messed up, and in case you hadn't noticed, you haven't been forgiven! Now, you're supposed to be team leader! Your teammates look up to you and respect you, and this is how you treat them? Maybe I'm wrong, but the least you can do is try to make up to them. And you could definitely start by listening to what they have to say."

Silence fell between us. Everyone was staring at me, as the force behind my words fizzled out. Self conscious embarrassment had taken its place. Meanwhile, Brandon was fuming again and the scowl on his face told me that any hope I had that the two of us might get along was dead.

His voice got low. "Fine." Without a word, Brandon turned on his heel and stormed off alone into the dark.

"Wait, where is he—" I started to ask, when the rest of the team crowded in around me.

"That was awesome!" Sting clapped me on the shoulder.

"What?" I blinked at him.
Delilah's gaze fell right above my eyes when she spoke to me. She patted my shoulder softly. "Seriously, Savannah. It was amazing that you stood up for us like that!"

"Did you see his face?" Sting was cracking up. He picked Beetle up in excitement, earning a squeal of enjoyment. Maple hopped around, eager for her turn. "Savannah, you rule!"

"Robyn," I muttered. "You can call me 'Robyn.'"

I didn't think what I'd done was all that spectacular, but the team seemed to appreciate it. I was still staring off in the direction Brandon had gone. It was pretty obvious at this point. He hated me. Complete, total, abject hatred.

"Should we go after him?" I asked them, as they continued to revel.

"Oh, no. He's doing a perimeter check. He's fine," Delilah assured me. "His ego is probably a little bruised, but he's a big boy. He'll get over it."

"Come to think of it," Sting added, a smug smile arranging his features, "I don't think that's ever happened before."

"Brandon getting over something?" I asked, dread lining my stomach.

"Brandon not getting what he wants," Sting clarified.

"Oh," I swallowed. Sting held up his hand for a high-five. I obliged him unenthusiastically. Somehow I got the feeling, it might be wise to sleep with one eye open from now on. 

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now