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Brandon saw a blond blur zipping through the trees. He'd tapped the street cameras with his mind to check his surroundings. A flash of blond flitting through air could only mean Maple was near by, which meant Delilah, Sting, and Beetle couldn't be far behind.

Brandon suspected G might send his team after him once his absence was discovered, but they had certainly gotten to him faster than he expected. In that moment, it didn't matter. He was still in position to carry out the mission that he'd almost been assigned.

Brandon jumped up, landing on the power line a few feet above the house. Feet sparking, he bounded, power line to power line, across the street into the parking lot of the Pearson Preparatory School for Girls. Once close enough, he submerged into the electric current within the power line itself and zipped toward the west side of the school building.

While in the mission tech lab, he'd managed to use the assignment database to download everything from the school building blue prints to the target's locker combination. He already knew there was an unguarded entrance to the building on the west side that would be vacant around this time of the morning.

Brandon had memorized the target's class schedule, every route to and from her classes, and every exit available for their escape. Finding the target would be the easy part, but getting her and himself out of the school undetected would be a different matter. Without uniform or impending womanhood of his own, Brandon was quite likely to stand out in the halls of an all girls middle school.

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