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 Honestly, Brandon was too worked up to sleep.

He'd been on dozens of collect and transport missions, but none of them had gone quite like this. Usually when he saved someone from kidnap or demise, they were awed by him, afraid even. They didn't argue with him. They certainly didn't lecture him. The last girl to lecture him was... Brandon rolled over before he thought anymore.

He couldn't stand Savannah or Robyn or whatever it was she wanted to be called. What kind of person had the nerve to tell off someone who saved their life?

None of the other Specials they saved were this difficult. Most of them hardly said a word the whole trip back to Headquarters. And out of all of them, Savannah had the most reason to be in a complete state of shock, but she wasn't. In fact, she seemed to be making herself right at home, cozying up to his teammates and giving her two cents about mission matters at every chance she got. She seemed just about ready for action.

What was wrong with her, Brandon wondered.

Brandon remembered the tense expression G made when he informed them of this case. It is imperative you succeed, he'd said. Her safety is of the utmost importance.

But why? Brandon couldn't figure it out. What made her so important? What made her so important that Suits leveled her school with a missile? She seemed average to him, aside from being exceptionally annoying and defiant. She was sassy, another thing Brandon hated. The last girl who sassed him was Lexus, before she'd gone missing...

Her smile appeared in his mind. Brandon shut the thought down. He wouldn't go there. He didn't have the heart. And besides, if he started remembering her, he definitely wouldn't get any sleep.

In fact, there was only one thing about Robyn that appeared to be out of the ordinary. Brandon found it completely odd; Her electric signals were off. They were strange.

Brandon's mutation allowed him to see the electric signature of every living person. Everyone had a single signature, but if Brandon looked close, he could see where their signature split into the two signatures of their parents.

Electric signatures looked similar visually, but Robyn's... He could see her signature and those of her parents, but there also seemed to be an entirely different electric signature clinging to hers. Brandon had gotten a good look. He could clearly distinguish the two signatures as being made up of four different predecessors.

Somehow, it seemed she had another person's electric signature inside of her. Like she was two people at once.

That's impossible, Brandon thought. But was it? 

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now