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"They're here for you." Brandon situated his eyes on me.

"Why?" I mumbled hoarsely. I couldn't tell if I was breathing or not.

"Because—" he stopped abruptly. "We've got to get out if here." Brandon's tone was final, as he returned his gaze to the men in black.

Looking rather boss-like, at the foot of my school driveway was a man with binoculars staring straight at us.

In that moment, I realized I was about to trust this boy I'd known all of 60 seconds. So what if he'd fallen out of a spy movie? All I could do was be grateful, seconds later, when he threw me to the ground. We both hit the floor hard, sliding a few feet down the hall. We were up and moving by the time the bullets began raining down through the hallway.

It sounded like little darts being fired at first, and then the glass of the windows shattered. That's when the screaming started.

"Hey!" I yelled at Brandon. "What about the other—"

I saw Brandon flick his finger twice and the back door of my school flew off its hinges landing loudly on the back field a few seconds later.

I shut my mouth and swiped at the fire alarm as we flew past. Somehow I managed to activate it. I didn't want to think about whether it would actually save anyone.

Together, we pounded into the teacher parking lot. Brandon skidded to a stop, jerking his head in the direction of the driveway. "Damn it."

I followed his gaze. Racing up the drive, submachine guns in hand, were the men in suits. They all had tinted, uniform, black shades and suits on. They pointed their guns at us, forcing us to stop.

"Who are they?" I barely whispered.

"Later. Stay down," Brandon ordered, cracking his knuckles. The man closest to us took aim and fired. In fact, all of them were shooting at Brandon. He seemed unbothered by this, as he sprinted toward our first attacker, dodging the bullets. He flicked his finger again and the machine gun exploded from the attacker's hand. Brandon swiped his fingers across the man's chest lighting fast, and kept moving. The attacker collapsed, unconscious.

Brandon shot passed the second attacker, his fingers brushing the man's shoulder. The man flew into the side of the building. He fell down, landing on the dumpster, and rolled off onto the concrete six feet down. Though both men were lying there unconscious, one broken, they were both twitching madly. I noticed a jagged blue line surface beneath the suits they were wearing. Brandon had shocked him, I realized, like he'd shocked me.

I turned my gaze back to him just in time to see him drop kick another Suit, and bring his elbow down on the back of another's neck, bending the guy over his knee. Brandon drove his fist into the man's gut, propelling him backwards into the reinforcements headed this way. In a matter of minutes, all of the attackers were crumpled on the pavement in front of us, twitching and paralyzed somehow in electric shock, as though small bits of lightning were ran across their bodies.

The yelling of the Suits at the bottom of my school driveway, along with the screams of my classmates were becoming more apparent. I could hear sirens in the distance. I turned just in time to see the entire student body congregating on the back field.

Brandon was running back towards me when a ringing sound filled my ears, making me cry out in pain. Where I was crouched, I fell to my knees, hands clasped over my ears. My eyes were opened to slits. I could just see a long red tipped object with fire coming out of its ass hurtling towards my school.

The missile had a strange symbol on the side and letters that read 'E. CORP' on it.

Before my brain could register what was happening, I felt Brandon pulling me to my feet. Amidst the noise, he dragged me towards the woods. I couldn't tear my eyes from the scene in front of me. A rumble from the trees sounded, and suddenly a thick branch was blocking my view. The rush of running water filled my ears, and my vision swirled into blackness. 

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now