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Silas Greggory, MRAU Manager, positioned the bluetooth in his ear and activated the answer call function.

Everest's voice came over the receiver, deep, menacing, calm and clear.


"Sir, we successfully terminated the building."

"And Robyn?"

Silas hesitated. "Her location is unknown."


Silas cleared his throat. "The . . . mutants got to her before we could, sir."

"I send you on a mission to collect one unarmed, untrained, virtually defenseless girl with a squad of fully weaponized armored cars and a missile, and you couldn't keep her out of the hands of a few defective teenagers?"

"Sir," Silas replied.

"Find her. Find them. Surely, I don't have to explain what will happen to you, if you don't." The call dropped with an abrupt click.

Silas's posture was stiff with tension. Failure disagreed with him.

"Davis! Moreson! Hale!" He barked. The three men marched up to him.

"Get me satellite coverage! I want the entire state covered with vans and choppers. Now!"

"Yes, sir!"

"We've got empty cages and few mutants to catch."

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now