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"So how do we steal a car?" Lilah looked at me, clearly still reveling her in rebellion against Brandon.

Intelligently, I replied with "Huh?"

How I hadn't actually thought about. The idea had popped into my head fifteen minutes ago and I'd spent the last ten worrying about the grumpy guy in the back. I'd seen people hijack cars on television a million times, but human hybrid children and actors pretending to be delinquents were two different breeds.

We stood in the underbrush beside the dealership parking lot. They were nearing closing time, by the sleepy look of the building. But closed or not, we were still in trouble. We needed a car that seated six. Dealership cars typically only had enough gas to get through the dealership gate, not several hours up the eastern seaboard, which meant we'd need to steal gas, in addition to finding a car key or hot wiring it (?). Of course, I didn't have a fucking clue how to do any of that, so we were effectively screwed.

A few more seconds of staring intently (and solution-less-ly) into space and I was going to throw in the towel. As embarrassing as that would be after the little stand-off that'd just happened, giving up was definitely better than my getting us all arrested in a failed attempt at crime.

Sting walked over. "How much longer until we execute the plan?" He asked. By plan, he meant the invisible thing in my head. "Beetle needs a bathroom break. He can only hold so much liquid at a time."

Inspiration struck. "Hey, Sting?"


"How much liquid can you hold at a time?"


Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now