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Sting and Brandon launched themselves at each other. Punches and kicks were thrown, curses were sworn, names were called.

I was on edge, watching the two of them brawl. I appreciated a good beat down as much as the next girl, but if the two of them weren't careful, the forrest could go up in flames. And somehow they seemed a bit too preoccupied at the moment to care about fire safety.

An idea came to me. It was just bizarre enough to work. Brandon and Sting wouldn't like it too much, but they'd get over it in time.

I bent down and whispered my plan to Maple.

"Can you do that for me, sweetheart?" I asked her, smiling. She looked at me with those big leaf-green eyes and nodded. She disappeared up the nearest tree without a word.

"Delilah," I whispered.

"Yeah?" she responded absently, a worried expression on her face as she sightlessly observed the fight before her.

"I take it both of them are going to get hurt if they continue like this," I said.

"Most likely," Delilah said. "I'd stop them myself, but when both of them are this worked up, getting between them isn't smart."

"I have a plan," I admitted.

Delilah turned to me.

"We have to separate them. That'll be easy for Sting, but Brandon on the other hand . . . not so much."

"Yeah, and?"

"So . . . can you maybe snake up behind Brandon— I mean, sneak up behind him, transform into a snake and like . . . wrap yourself around him? You might to be able to hold him."

Delilah stared at me, as if to say Are you crazy? There's no way in hell I'm doing that.

"It'll only be for a few minutes," I assured her. "You holding him is only part of the plan." Delilah appeared skeptical. "Well I can't hold them both off by myself," I reasoned. 

Alive Again: Awakening (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now