Chapter eight

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My week had been entirely uneventful, which I didn't really mind. I worked crazy hours at the shelter, being there practically from open to after closing. I Skyped with my dad and Ryan one night after work and another night was spent at Connor's studio for a few hours. He had been showing me all the new stuff he had been working on for his classes. But other than that I had been coming home, eating, and crashing in my bed.

The boys were not thrilled. Both Harry and Nick had been texting me, trying to get me to go out with them each night. Any time they texted me I was either already preoccupied or I was sleeping.

Harry had called me Friday evening and demanded another Starbuck's trip the next morning. He was at some party and I could tell he had been drinking. "Savannah! We have to go to Starbuck's again tomorrow!"

Before I could answer him he started to ramble on, slurring his words slightly. "You've not answered me or Nick all week and I'm feeling very neglected. Also Grey's Anatomy deprived."

He had definitely been drinking. "Are you sure? We're getting breakfast on Sunday." Nick had already demanded I join again. "You can just sleep in tomorrow if you'd like...." I tried to suggest, knowing he'd be hungover tomorrow.

"No, no! We're going, just maybe not at half seven." He laughed.

"Alright, Harry," I agreed. "What time then?"

"Half eight! I'll swing by your flat and we can walk again." We cemented our plans and hung up the phone.


Harry was outside my flat at half eight, as promised and we made our way down the street. I wrapped my arms around me to stop my shirt from fluttering open. I had thrown on my black jeans again with a black tank top and a black and white, open floral printed top.

We got into Starbucks and placed our orders, me paying again after his sneaky stunt last week. Harry was over at the kiosk to add sugar to his drink when a small group of girls came crashing in. Apparently, the same girls from last week were here and had been waiting around to see if Harry would show up again. Upon his arrival, they texted their friends.

I was shocked they did such a thing. It seemed greedy, waiting around, stalking somewhere you knew he had come. They had already met him, why did they have to wait for him again? Wasn't his kindness once enough? I couldn't fathom why they'd take advantage of it. He took pictures with them all like the good sport he was, but didn't stay around to chat with them, pushing through the small crowd to make his way over to me.

When he finally did he lifted his arm and showed me welted scratches going down the length of his forearm. I grabbed it swiftly and looked up at him in horror. "That's awful! They need to be more careful!"

He chuckled at me and shrugged, "I've gotten worse believe it or not."

They thought of him getting worse was troublesome to me and I looked over to the group of girls and saw them all staring back at me. I whipped around suddenly, turning my back to them. "Um, do you wanna go back to mine again?" I asked, refusing to meet his eyes. I just wanted to get away from their stares as quickly as possible.

He turned his head and saw them all staring, he nodded, placed a hand to my elbow and whispered an apology in my ear.

In my state of worrying I hadn't noticed the dull roar of noise outside. Harry, apparently, hadn't either because he was just as shocked as I was when we turned around to see a crowd of people waiting outside through the windows.

Oh no.

I couldn't move.

At the same time though my brain was telling me to run, to get away from it all as soon as possible. Suddenly I felt a hand slip into mine and I turned to see Harry looking at me. He had been cursing under his breath, but now everything he was saying sounded like white noise to me. I felt him squeeze my hand and I met his eyes, realizing he must have asked me something.

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