That's what boyfriends are for

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It's the second to last week of school before graduation and it's also the last week for principal Worth to decide if Bram is graduating with us and I have been helping Bram non stop. He's been over almost everyday and we've been staying up almost all night and working non stop. He's killing it and honestly I don't think there is any way that he is going to have to stay back he's been working his ass off. I'm not really sure when we find out for sure if he's graduating with us I guess it's just up to whenever our principal decides I just know it has to be sometime this week since our final grades from our teachers are due by the end of our week  Like I said I'm not really nervous about him not graduating with us because he's basically all caught up. 

I walked into my room where Bram was supposed to be currently working  on some math assignments but Instead I found him passed out on his math book which was opened. 

I set the Oreos that I brought for him aside and debated on waking him up or not. He looked so peaceful but I know that he needs to get work done. But he looks so cute asleep and he does need his rest. I fought with myself for a good two minutes before deciding that he should probably get up so he can finish his assignment and go home and get some actual rest. 

I gave him multiple kisses and shook him a little to try and wake him up. His eyes finally fluttered open and he looked at me and smiled. 

"I don't even remember falling asleep" he mumbled clearly still really tired. 

"I don't think you were asleep for that long. But I figured I would wake you up so you can finish and then go home to get some actual sleep" 

"this has been the hardest few weeks of my life" 

"I know babe, but you're working so hard and I promise it will all be worth it in the end. As soon as we graduate will come home and take a long ass nap. You deserve it" I tell him

"That nap sounds really good right now" he says while yawning 

"Five minutes wouldn't hurt right?" He asks me

"Fine, but that's it. I'll wake you up in five" I walk over to my desk and start to do some of my homework that's due tomorrow. I looked at the clock which said 12:45 and I made a mental remainder to wake him up in five minutes.

"Simon I meant we take a nap together and cuddle" 

"Bram we will end up sleeping the whole night. You know that" 

"Pleaseee babyyy" he says dragging out the 'e' and 'y' and looking at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"I would but I also have shit to get done." 

"Why don't we both finish our math homework and then we can go to bed since it's the last thing you have to get done" I compromise

"Fine, but I better get those cuddles" 

"I promise you that we'll cuddle later" I tell him while laughing at his request. 

" damn I forgot you have the essay to write for english too. " I say after a few minutes of silence 

He didn't respond so I looked over to the floor where Bram was supposed to be working but once again he was knocked out. 

"Bram" I say as I threw a pillow at him 

"whattt" he says clearly annoyed 

"c'mon as soon as we're done you can go to bed" 

"come here" I say while patting the seat next to me

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