You and Me Always

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Simon's POV
The doctor came out of Brams room and sat down next to me.

"He's okay. We think it's a reaction from some of the medicine we gave him but he's gonna be just fine"

"Thank you so much"

I could practically cry with how relieved I am.

"The surgery is still set for tomorrow and as long as everything goes right he'll only have to stay one night for observation"

"Thank you again"

"You can go back in and wait for him if you'd like"
I somehow managed to stand up and walk on my shaky legs back to his room. I sat down on a chair waiting for him to be rolled back in. It should be any moment now.

The door opened but it wasn't Bram. It was Drew and Michael with flowers and balloons and some takeout food.

"We wanted to show you that you guys don't have to go through this alone anymore" Drew said

"We brought tacos ! And lots of sweets !" Michael added on

"Thank you guys. It really does mean so much"

They pulled up two chairs and sat on opposite sides to me while taking my hand in theirs and squeezing it for comfort.

We didn't say much, but there wasn't really a need to. Their company was more than enough.

Not even ten minutes later the door opened and it finally revealed the face of the love of my life. Even with all these wires tangled up around him he still flashed his signature smile at me.

"Sorry for the scare baby, I'm okay"
It's very typical of him to be worried about scaring me instead of focusing on himself. I really do love that about him.

"How are you feeling baby"

"Like a million bucks baby boy" he put his arms out to signal that he wanted a hug from me.
I let the nurse roll him back in the designated spot for his bed and gave him the biggest hug ever. I really never wanted it to end.

"Drew! Michael! Hi guys"

"Hey love we just wanted to come in to check on you and Simon. If you don't want us here we completely understand" Drew says while standing up and moving closer towards the bed.

"No absolutely not you guys are like family. Thank you for coming. It means so much to both of us"

The rest of our night involved lots of tacos and chocolate except Bram couldn't eat anything due to his surgery tomorrow but that's okay he really didn't mind.

We played many card games and watch some Netflix and YouTube videos until Drew and Michael started getting tired and were ready to leave.

They  said their goodbyes and said they would be in the waiting room tomorrow morning. I curled up next to Bram (with his approval of course)

"Goodnight baby you're gonna be just fine"

"I'll stay strong for the both of us my love"

That was the last thing I remember him saying before I completely fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning everything moved so quickly. I was awoken by Bram saying that the nurses were going to prep him for surgery.
I couldn't help but freak out but this time it was my turn to be strong for him.

I backed away letting the nurses do their thing muttering I love you every once and awhile.

Once he was prepped the nurses said I would have to go wait in the waiting room for him but he should be back in a little under 3 hours.

"Okay baby. Do what you do best okay? Be strong" I tell him while kissing his forehead

"I love you so so much baby as soon as I'm out of here life will go back to normal I promise"

We kissed one last time and I let the nurse lead me to the waiting room.

Drew and Michael came up with some coffee and a cute teddy bear for Bram.

It felt like days that's I was waiting. I really can't do this life thing without him.

Eventually the nurse came out and said he woke up and we could go back in the room and see him.

"Martin? Hey babe" Bram said while I walked into the room.

I swear my heart dropped to my stomach. He thinks he's dating Martin?

"I'm kidding baby. Hi my love"

"You're lucky you're injured because I would totally hit you right now"

"How are you feeling baby" I ask

"Actually not too bad. They said I'll easily be out by tomorrow morning"

"I'm so glad to hear that baby"

Drew and Michael dropped off everything and then decided to let us be and visit Bram more when he was home.

I could tell Bram was super tired so I dimmed the lights and cuddled next to him on the side with his good leg.

"Let's go to sleep baby"

"It's like 3 pm"

I started playing with his hair and eventually he was out. I drifted off to sleep too so happy for him to jump back into such good spirits so quicky. I can tell it's not an act either. He really does feel better.

We woke up by his machine beeping and a nurse standing at the computer.

"Oh no ! I'm sorry boys I thought I shut that off. I didn't mean to wake you. "

"No worries we're pretty light sleepers anyways"

I checked the time and noticed it was the next day.

"Uhhh apparently not baby look" I showed him my phone and his eyes just widened.

"Okay I take it back" Bram says while laughing

"Well lucky for you, you woke up to great news! It's discharge day! We're just waiting on your wheelchair to transport you back down to your car."

"Oh baby I'm so happy for you"

I kiss him and he pulls back just grinning at me while signing the forms.

"Should I get the car?" I ask the nurse

"Yes. I would bring it up to the front entrance"

"Go it. I'll be back. I kiss him again and take my phone of the charger and grab my keys

When I pulled up to the entrance I placed the car in park and helped him into the car. We drove home in comfortable silence and I helped him up to the apartment. Our apartment.

We sat on the couch for a while just talking about how crazy life as been and we're barely adults.

"As long as I get to have kids with you Simon I don't care what I have to go through" Bram says while giving me a kiss to the forehead. Damn he's cute.

"Oh yes baby. 2 kids a fireplace and Grey's Anatomy on the TV while we're al snuggled up drinking hot chocolate."

"Oooo I can't wait baby"

"Me either my love me either"

"It's you and me always baby" he says to me cuddling a little closer.

"You and me always" I confirm

I hoped you guys liked it ! Sorry for the long wait! Just one more chapter after this !

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