This means war

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Bram's pov

It's been about 4 days since we've moved in. Simon's car finally came in and we finally got a real bed to sleep on. We finished the rest of our furniture shopping yesterday and now all that's left is to put everything together. We pretty much got everything except dressers because Simon didn't like any of the ones that we saw at the stores he's just gonna look online. Our classes start soon and I'm so excited to finally start this next chapter in our lives. It's only like 8:30 here, but Simon was already out of bed getting the day started. I don't know how he's so happy in the morning it's not even that early, but all I can think about is the next time I can take a nap.

"good morning" Simon says coming into the room and closing the door.

"morning babe" I say while getting up to kiss him.

"ew brush your teeth first."he says while pushing my chest back.

I get up and brush my teeth and then come back into the room.

"Better?" I say while kissing him.

"much better."

Before anything else was said we heard a loud crash that sounded like it was right outside our bedroom door.

"what the fuck was that?" Simon asks me while coming closer to me obviously scared as hell.

"Is there someone inside the apartment?" I whisper

"how the hell would I know"

I look down and see him visibly shaking and I pull him into a hug.

"We're gonna be okay. there's not much here for them to take. We'll just wait it out." I say

"Do you think it's Michael, Or Drew? Maybe they're pulling a prank or something" I ask him

There was a loud shatter of glass breaking and I started pushing the bed in front of the door.

"stay here I'm gonna go see what's going on" I say while reaching for the handle.

"Block the door with the bed when I leave."

"Are you out of your fucking mind. You're not going out there" He says pulling me back.

"I'll go" he tells me

"oh hell no. Stay here"

"Wait I don't even hear him anymore" I say putting my ear against the door.

"Do you think they're gone?" Simon says coming near me and putting his ear against the door too.

"I'll go check" I say hesitantly opening the door.

'Stay behind me' I mouth to Simon trying to not make any noise.

I peak my head out the door and don't see anything I stepped out of the room and that's when someone jumped out at me. Using my reflex I punched him right in the nose and he fell on the floor in pain.

"shit Bram" Simon says coming behind me and going down to the floor to the guy who was holding his face.

"What? he tried to rob us" I say confused as to why he was concerened for the guy.

He looked at me and then took off the ski mask that the guy was wearing.

"Nick what the fuck are you doing? You scared the shit out of me" I say walking to the freezer getting him an ice pack for his nose.

"You actually broke something?" I say looking at all the glass on the floor in our kitchen.

"yeah, Simon said I could" he says putting his hands up in defense.

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