Chapter 1

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(Star's POV)

It was yet another beautiful day at Echo Creek Academy and Marco and I had just finished our final class for the day. "You know, I thought that Miss Skullnick would actually teach us something today." Marco said as he followed me out of the classroom. Miss Skullnick had spent the entire class talking about how her latest date went, and because of her troll like form, it didn't go well. "I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoy having a class where we don't have to do anything, but that just means that we have to do all the studying ourselves."

"Oh, you worry too much Marco." I responded as I walked cheerfully down the hall.

"Yeah, that's easy for you to say." Marco said sounding depressed. "Do you even need to get good grades?"

I stopped and thought to myself. "Um … my mom said something about it, but I don't remember."

"You might want to check on that then." Marco said as he walked past me.

"Well it can't be that important if it's so boring." I said as I continued walking without a care in the world.

As we walked, Jackie passed by us, on her skateboard, headed in the same direction that we were. "Hey Star." She said as she passed.

"Hi Jackie!" I responded with a wave.

I watched as she turned a corner and Marco stood there with his head down. "Sometimes I don't think she even knows my name."

"Of course she does Marco." I said as I gave him a pat on the back. "She addressed you by name when you broke her last skateboard."

Marco gave me a slightly annoyed look. "Did you have to bring that up?" He asked.

I thought for a moment and realized my mistake. "Oh … sorry." An idea popped into my head and I began pushing Marco. "Well maybe it's time for you to talk to her." I said cheerfully.

"What?" Marco asked shocked. "I can tell you right now that's not going to end well."

"Nonsense." I said as I pushed him around the corner. "I'm sure that she secretly feels the same way about you Marco."

"S-S-Star?" Marco said after turning the corner.

I looked over his shoulder to see that Jackie was walking next to a boy with blond hair. "Is that … Justin?" I asked.

"Yes." Marco said, fear evident in his voice.

I looked at the two of them again, a little worried. "Well … I'm sure that they're just friends and there's nothing for you to worry about."

It was at that moment when I noticed Jackie holding Justin's hand and I heard what sounded like glass breaking. "I think that was my heart breaking." Marco said as he grasped his shirt.

I looked around and saw someone frantically trying to sweep up the remains of a broken vase. "Nah, it was just that guy." I said trying to cheer Marco up.

Marco turned around and began walking, almost like a corpse. "I feel dead inside." He said as he turned the corner again.

"Wait!" I shouted as I followed him. "The main exit is that way."

"I don't want to see them." Marco responded. "I'll go out the back way."

I looked at Marco, then in the opposite direction, if I followed Marco then I wouldn't be able to listen to Oskar's music, but if I went out the front then Marco would be walking home alone. I bit down on my nails and looked between the two options. "Oh what the hack, I can listen to Oskar's music tomorrow." And with that, I turned to follow Marco. "Wait up Marco!" I said as I caught up to him.

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